ISU Vet Pulse

New Clinical Services – Internal Medicine (Urology)

By Tracy Ann Raef

The Small Animal Internal Medicine Service is pleased to offer cystoscopy procedures for dogs and female cats with urinary disorders.

Cystoscopy can be used for diagnostics or treatment of several urinary conditions including recurrent infections, bladder stones and cancers, as well as ectopic ureters.

“Using cystoscopy, we are able to do minimally invasive procedures with a shorter recovery time and less pain for pets,” said Dr. Jean-Sebastien Palerme, board-certified small animal internist at the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center.

Cystoscopy is performed under anesthesia with either rigid (for females) or flexible (for males) types of scopes.

Dr. Palerme says the service currently has cystoscopes for male and female dogs weighing 20 to 40 pounds. Soon they will be getting scopes in sizes for female cats and dogs weighing less than 20 pounds, and large dogs over 40 pounds.

>> Referring veterinarians who have any questions about the new service or whether individual patients may be eligible for the procedure may contact the medicine service at (515) 294-4900 or Dr. Palerme directly at (515) 294-8790.