Bentley the blood donor

Meet Bentley - Blood Donor

Bentley is a regular contributor to the Hixson-Lied Small Animal Hospital. His contributions are not monetary but rather of the liquid variety.

Since June 2016, Bentley, a four-year-old golden retriever, has been a contributor to the Blood Donor Program in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Every other month, Bentley and his owners, Kristi Schaben and her daughter Sammi, come to the small animal hospital so that he can donate blood for dogs who require a blood transfusion.

“I am a blood donor so when I saw the call for dog and cat blood donors I started to see what we could do,” Kristi said. “I thought it was cool that we lived in a town that had this as an option to help other fur babies.”

Learn more about Bentley and the Blood Donor Program online.