Financing Your Education

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fees

Please Note: 4th year students must complete the summer, fall and spring semester session

AVMA tools

Veterinarian standing behind piggy bank.

Financial Planning

Financial planning begins the day a student matriculates. Tara Joyce provides seminars in financial planning.

Topics include: credit and credit scoring, student loan repayment options, retirement, investment and job benefits, etc. Individual financial planning afternoon appointments in Room 2270 Vet Med are also offered.

Tara Joyce
Financial Aid Advisor
Office of Student Financial Aid
0210 Beardshear Hall

CVM Scholarships

The College of Veterinary Medicine awards more than $2 million in scholarships and awards annually to veterinary medicine students. Learn more about scholarship opportunities.


Important Dates

Important financial dates for the 2024-2025 academic year.


Financial Literacy

Financial literacy for DVM students begin long before starting veterinary medicine classes. The key to a student’s financial success rests with properly managing your limited budget.