14 Days in Ophthalmology – Day 14

Ophthalmology Exam

February 25, 2018

The five fourth-year students will leave ophthalmology behind them as they move onto another two-week rotation beginning Monday morning.

Kaiti Grief and Wendy Thill will both head to the soft tissue/orthopedic surgery rotation. Jordan Moline will move just down the hall from the ophthalmology exam rooms to oncology, while Courtney Haley will work in anesthesiology.

And Brad Christensen won’t work with live animals for the next two weeks. His rotation will be in clinical pathology and necropsy.

“In the mornings we will work on blood work and chemistry panels,” he said, “and then working in necropsy in the afternoon where the main focus is to find out an animal’s cause of death.”

Ophthalmology will be well-staffed for the next two weeks though. Drs. Allbaugh, Ben-Shlomo, Foote, Strauss and Wehrman will welcome a new group of fourth-year students bright and early Monday morning. A total of nine patients are scheduled for appointments as the day-to-day operation of the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center continues.