14 Days of Ophthalmology – Day 12

Ophthalmology Exam

The atmosphere is vastly different on this, the last full day of the ophthalmology rotation for five fourth-year veterinary students.

The moments leading up to the first day were quiet and all business. Today is light-hearted – much more light-hearted.

After the students finished prepping for the day’s seven morning patients, the conversation turns to more, well, talk you might expect from a group of young adults.

Kaiti Grief, one of the fourth-year students, started out by saying she and her husband have been watching an early season of “Game of Thrones” and wondered if anyone else was hooked on the show.

Soon other TV shows were talked about, from “Westworld” to “Stranger Things” and John Oliver. It’s a reflection of the type of rotation ophthalmology is and the relaxed nature as the students have gotten into the routine.

“You have to have a work-life balance,” said Courtney Haley. “This rotation is actually pretty good for that since we typically get our paperwork finished before we go home for the night.”

“There are rotations where you are just so busy, you don’t have time to do much of anything outside of work,” Grief said. “You’re really busy during the day and have to prepare at night for the next day’s appointments, so you don’t have time for yourself.”

Each of the students admit since they have completed the NAVLE (North American Veterinary Licensing Exam), they have more time for after work activities.

“You have to make time for yourself,” said Wendy Thill, “you just have to.”

Once patients started arriving Friday morning, none of the students had time for themselves. At one point, three exam rooms were filled with ophthalmology patients, all in for recheck appointments.

The rooms would have been fuller, but a 9 a.m. appointment cancelled, freeing Haley up to go from room to room to assist her fellow fourth-year students with their patients.

It was just another day in ophthalmology.

Monday: End and a New Beginning

Ophthalmology Exam