Piet Recognized as Lloyd VMC’s Honorary First Patient

Tracy Ann Raef, Veterinary Communications, (515) 294-4602, traef@iastate.edu

July 19, 2011

Today is opening day for the new client entry, waiting and reception areas that have been part of the renovation and expansion project. Soon after the doors opened, Piet, a nine-year old Golden Retriever, was recognized as the Honorary First Patient at the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center’s Small Animal Hospital.

Piet has been coming to the VMC for veterinary care since 2002. During the past five years, Piet has been a regular at the VMC’s canine rehabilitation unit. Typical of the breed, Piet loves to swim in the indoor K9 pool. From the moment Piet arrives in the parking lot with chauffer/owner Wolfgang Kliemann, he is one happy, exuberant dog, ready and eager to perfect his doggie paddle.

Across the parking lot, Piet is easily recognized by his signature look. He carries a stuffed toy in his mouth from the car through the hospital until he gets to the pool. Piet come to the VMC to swim three times a week, and has yet to carry the same toy twice.

“People think that dogs need a medical reason to have rehab, but you don’t,” said owner Alicia Carriquiry. “Swimming is a great low-impact exercise for Piet, and he loves it. Joanna Hildreth, canine rehab practitioner, takes excellent care of Piet when he’s at the hospital.” Wolfgang and Alicia have noticed that Piet looks and acts like a much younger dog and his muscles are well conditioned as a result of the swimming.

In recognition of Piet’s Honorary First Patient status, Dr. Rod Bagley, Executive Director of the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center, presented Piet with a certificate announcing his new status, as well as a gift certificate for rehab at the hospital. Dr. Mary Bergh, director of Canine Rehabilitation, gave Piet a new toy, ISU bandana, and gift bag. Piet accepted his toy, wagged his tail, and walked through the waiting area to show off his gift.

The VMC is celebrating the opening of the newer areas of the renovated hospital this week. The final completion of the hospital’s renovation and expansion project will be fall of 2012.