Hill Receives 2011 Science with Practice Award from ISU’s College of Veterinary Medicine


Ms. Tracy Ann Raef, College of Veterinary Medicine, (515) 294-4602

November 16, 2011

Howard T. Hill, DVM, received the Science with Practice Award from Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. The award, presented at the 19th Annual Swine Diseases Conference in Ames, Iowa, Nov. 10-11, recognizes exemplary integration of science and the art of veterinary practice to benefit swine productivity and welfare.

In presenting the award to Dr. Hill, Jim McKean, DVM, conference chair and ISU extension veterinarian said: Dr. Hill has worked for his entire career to put swine practice and pork producers in the forefront of science and its practical application. He represents the practical demonstration of what this award recognizes. He has been pivotal in Iowa and national disease control and eradication efforts in both the production and program development arenas.

Dr. Hill is the director of external affairs for Iowa Select Farms, an Iowa-based pork production company. Dr. Hill has been with Iowa Select since 2000, when he joined the company as director of production. In 2001, he was promoted to chief operating officer, continuing in that role until 2009.

A native of southern California, Dr. Hill earned his bachelor’s of science and doctorate of veterinary medicine degrees from the University of California-Davis. After graduation, he was a mixed animal practitioner in southern California for a year and a half.

Dr. Hill came to Iowa State University in 1970, when he received a National Institutes of Health fellowship offered by Iowa State University. After earning his master’s and PhD degrees in veterinary microbiology at ISU, he accepted the position as head of the microbiology section of Iowa State’s Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. During his 20-year tenure at Iowa State, he served as an industry leader in the eradication of pseudorabies.

From 1994 to 1999, Dr. Hill worked for Murphy Family Farms, where he continued to work on PRV eradication.

Throughout his career Dr. Hill has been actively involved in the American Association of Swine Veterinarians, serving on several committees and in leadership positions including president in 1996. His dedication and commitment to the association and the pork industry was recognized in 1992 when he was selected as the recipient of the Howard Dunne Memorial Award.

As a pork producer, Dr. Hill has also been active in the National Pork Board, and is currently serving on the board of the National Pork Producers Council. Earlier this year he was one of nine veterinarians appointed to serve on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Advisory Committee on Animal Health.