Contacts: Tracy Ann Raef, College of Veterinary Medicine, (515) 294-4602
January 26, 2012
The College of Veterinary Medicine’s student chapter of the Veterinary Business Management Association (VBMA) placed 3rd in the VBMA’s annual competition. The national competition held annually and veterinary schools from across the United States participate.
The competition ranking is based on a point system that the student clubs receive throughout the year based on number of events held including member participation. Clubs also receive points for responding to discussion boards located on the national VBMA website. The results were announce at the national VBMA meeting held at the North American Veterinary Conference January 14-17.
For placing 3rd, the club received a plaque as well as a check for $1,000. The VBMA advisor for the colleges student club is Dr. Butch Baker, holder of the Dr. David R. Trask Professorship in Entrepreneurial Studies.