Diagnostic Testing

Testing Schedule

Our goal is to provide accurate results and timely service. However, many research and diagnostic assays are not performed daily and/or testing schedules may change. If your case involves testing animals for export, show animals, animals to be sold, and/or a large number of samples, please contact the VDL (515-294-1950) prior to submission to verify the availability and turnaround time.

A $10 submission fee and 1% hazardous fee is assessed on each case.
Fees and test schedules are subject to change without notice.
For additional test information, please click the pathogen name.

* Preferred specimen for testing.
^ Testing performed in part or in total at a Referral Laboratory.
^^ Assay has not been fully validated for all the testing conducted.

PathogenSpeciesTestSectionStandard FeeBest Practice FeeDays TestedTurn AroundSpecimenComments
All Species Digital Imaging - Slide Scan Histopathology $15.00

15.00/scan Please contact the coordinating pathologist, laboratory manager or digital technician for requests and questions regarding this service. Image transfer will be to user or lab provided flash drive (additional fee if lab provided).

Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae - APP Porcine PCR - serotyping Molecular $60.00 $54.00 M, Th next day culture detects serotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae - APP Porcine CF 1, 5, 7 (no serotyping) Serology $5.00 $4.50 W 2-day test serum
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae - APP Porcine Mix APP ELISA Serology $19.50 $17.55 F same day serum MIX APP ELISA generates 3 results for these serotype groups: 1-2-9-11, 3-6-8-15 and 4-5-7
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae - APP Porcine PCR - screen Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day culture, lung, oral fluid
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae - APP Porcine ApxIV ELISA Serology $6.00 $5.40 W same day Serum, plasma Detects antibody against the ApxIV toxin produced by some Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. DOES NOT DETECT SEROTYPE. Useful for population surveillance.
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae - APP Porcine CF Serotype 1, 5, 7 Serology $15.00 $13.50 W 2-day test serum
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae - APP Porcine CF Serotype 3 Serology $5.00 $4.50 W 2-day test serum
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae - APP Porcine ELISA 10-12 Serology $6.50 $5.85 F same day serum
Actinobacillus suis Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day lung, bronchial swab, culture, laryngeal swab, oral fluid, pharyngeal swab
Ammonia All Species HPLC Analytical Chemistry Services $30.00 5-7 days *rumen contents, *ocular fluid (aqueous or vitrous humor), serum/plasma or urine Frozen (1-2 drops of saturated Mercuric Chloride (HgCl2) may be used instead of freezing rumen contents)
Anaplasma marginale Bovine cELISA Serology $6.00 $5.40 T, Th same day serum
Anaplasma marginale Bovine, Caprine, Equine, Ovine PCR Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M, Th next day whole blood (EDTA), spleen
Anaplasma marginale & phagocytophilum Bovine, Caprine, Equine, Ovine PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th next day Whole blood, spleen This test detects and differentiates Anaplasma marginale and Anaplasma phagocytophilum
Antibiotic Panel - Feed All Species LC-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $150.00 Tu 3-5 days *Corn-based Feed, DDGS, grain, mixed feed, silage, total mixed ration, mineral premixes (200g) Panel includes: Bacitracin, Carbadox, Chlortetracycline, Florfenicol, Lincomycin, Oxytetracycline, Penicillin, Tetracycline, Sulfadimethoxine Sulfamethazine, Sulfathiazole, Tiamulin, Tilmicosin, Tylosin, Tylvalosin, Virginiamycin. Individual antibiotics in the panel can be quantified separately for additional fee. Expected concentration required upon submission. If expected concentration is not given upon submission then additional charges may apply. STAT fees may apply (minimum 2x the normal fee).
Antibiotics Panel - Milk Bovine LC-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $100.00 W 1-3 days Milk

Panel includes: Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Ceftiofur, Cephapirin, Desacetylcephapirin, Cloxacillin, Dicloxacillin, Oxacillin, and Penicillin G. STAT fees may apply (minimum 2x the normal fee). All samples should be frozen and maintained frozen during shipment.

Anticoagulant Panel All Species LC-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $95.00 5-7 days *whole blood-EDTA (4mL), *liver (10g) Panel Includes: Brodifacoum, Bromodiolone, Chlorophacinone, Coumachlor, Dicoumarol, Difenacoum, Difethialone, Diphacinone, and Warfarin
Atypical Porcine Pestivirus - APPV (Congenital Tremor) Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th same day serum, brain, fecal swab, nasal swab, heart
Avian adenovirus group 1 (types D and E) - AvAdV-1 Avian PCR Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M, Th Next day Cloacal swab, tracheal swab
Avian encephalomyelitis virus - AEV Avian ELISA Serology $2.75 $2.48 W same day serum validated for chicken only
Avian hemorrhagic enteritis virus - HEV Avian ELISA Serology $2.50 $2.25 M Same day Serum Turkey only
Avian hepatitis E virus - AvHepEV Avian PCR Molecular $45.00 $40.50 M, Th next day liver, feces, fecal swab, intestine
Avian infectious bronchitis virus - AvIBV Avian ELISA Serology $2.75 $2.48 Tuesday same day serum validated for chicken only
Avian infectious bronchitis virus - AvIBV Avian PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th Same day Lungs, trachea
Avian influenza virus - AIV Avian ELISA Serology $3.00 $2.70 M-F same day serum Avian species - chicken, turkey, goose, duck and ostrich
Avian influenza virus - AIV Avian AGID - serum Serology $3.00 $2.70 M-F 2-day test serum Testing performed on Friday will have results available the following Monday
Avian influenza virus - AIV Avian AGID - egg yolk Serology $3.50 $3.15 M-W, F 2-day test egg/yolk Testing performed on Friday will have results available the following Monday
Avian influenza virus - AIV Avian PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day cloacal swab, oropharyngeal swab, tissue samples, drinker swab* Drinker swab (or environmental water swab) testing is available, but only for submitter-funded surveillance testing.
Avian influenza virus - AIV Avian VI Virology $50.00 M, Th 7-21 days cloacal or oropharyngeal swab, feces, oral+cloacal, tracheal swab, environmental sample
Avian influenza virus - AIV Avian PCR - H5 Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day cloacal swab, oropharyngeal swab, tissue samples
Avian metapneumovirus - aMPV Avian ELISA Serology $2.50 $2.25 Th same day serum
Avian paramyxovirus-1 - aPMV-1 (NDV) Avian VI Virology $50.00 M, Th 7-21 days cloacal swab, oropharyngeal swab, feces, tracheal swab, environmental
Avian paramyxovirus-1 matrix gene - aPMV-1 (NDV) Avian PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day cloacal swab, oropharyngeal swab, allantoic fluid, bronchial swab, pharyngeal swab, tracheal swab
Avian reovirus - AvRV Avian ELISA Serology $2.50 $2.25 W same day serum
Avian reovirus - AvRV Avian PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th Next day tendons
Avibacterium paragallinarum - AvPGal Avian PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th next day Oropharyngeal swab, tracheal swab, lung
Avian Infectious Laryngotracheitis virus - AvILTV Avian PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th Same day Lungs, trachea
Bacterial Basic Quantification All Species Basic Quantification Bacteriology $10.00 M-F 2-5 days Urine (voided, catheterized, clean catch or midstream, or cage floor), semen, prostate wash/fluid Fee is per sample and in addition to routine culture. This test only quantifies the bacteria present directly from the sample in 0.1 mL, 0.01 mL, and 0.001 mL with no dilution.
Bacterial isolation and identification - Swabs Avian, Bovine, Caprine, Ovine, Porcine, Ungulates Culture Bacteriology $15.00 M-F 3 - 7 days Swab Vaginal swabs are $30 each. Porcine nasal swabs are only effective for culturing Pasteurella and Bordetella. Samples with inherently high level of background flora (e.g., fecal samples of any species, swine nasal/oral fluid samples), are not pooled.
Bacterial isolation and identification - Swabs Camelid, Canine, Cervidae, Equine, Feline, Rodent Culture Bacteriology $30.00 M-F 3 - 7 days Swab
Bacterial isolation and identification - Tissue Individual All Species Culture Bacteriology $30.00 M-F 3 - 7 days Tissue $30.00 1st sample, $10.00 for each additional sample. For diagnostic submissions where individual testing on animals from same epidemiological unit (age, group, or lot) is requested. Large submissions may incur additional fees.
Bacterial isolation and identification - Tissue Routine All Species Culture Bacteriology $30.00 M-F 3 - 7 days Tissue $30.00 1st sample; $7.50 for each additional sample. For diagnostic submissions where individual testing is not requested. Large submissions may incur additional fees.
Bacterial susceptibility testing All Species Susceptibility Bacteriology $25.00 M-F 1-5 days Includes aerobic, anaerobic, and microaerophilic organisms
Baculovirus All Species PCR - Takara Bio Baculovirus Quantitation Research $250.00 as needed Isolate This assay is for quantitating baculoviral stocks generated from AcMNPV-based baculoviral vectors using the Takara Bio BacPAK qPCR kit. $250 for first sample, $50 for each subsequent sample
Biopsy All Species Biopsy Histopathology $75.00 as needed Up to 5 slides per animal (each additional slide $7)
Block preparation & return All Species Block preparation Histopathology $5.50 as needed Paraffin-embedded block preparation & return only
Blood Culture All Species Bacterial Isolation and Identification Bacteriology $30.00 M-F 3 - 6 days Blood culture bottle (aerobic and/or anaerobic) Samples must be submitted in commercial blood culture bottles
Bluetongue - BTV Bovine, Caprine, Cervidae, Ovine, Ungulates cELISA Serology $8.00 $7.20 M Same day serum
Bluetongue and Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease - BTV and EHD Bovine, Camelid, Caprine, Cervidae, Ovine, Ungulates AGID Serology $7.50 $6.75 M-Th next day serum
Bluetongue virus - BTV Bovine, Caprine, Cervidae, Ovine, Ungulates PCR Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M, Th next day whole blood, spleen
Bone Profile All Species Physical Chemistry, ICP-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $75.00 F 1-3 days *whole 2nd rib Price: $75 ($50 each for 5 or more bones submitted) Includes: ash, density, calcium, phosphorus
Bordetella avium Avian PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th next day oropharyngeal swab, tracheal swab, lung
Bordetella avium E Avian ELISA Serology $2.50 $2.25 M Same day Serum Turkey only
Bovine abortion panel - BAP Bovine PCR Molecular $55.00 $49.50 M-F Same day Fetal Tissues Fetal tissues should include ALL of the following: kidney, liver, lung, placenta, skeletal muscle, and spleen. Includes Bovine Herpesvirus-1, Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus, Leptospira species, and Neospora caninum.
Bovine coronavirus - BCoV Bovine, Caprine, Ovine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed tissue
Bovine coronavirus - BCoV Bovine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day intestine, feces, fecal swab
Bovine enteric panel - BEP Bovine, Caprine, Ovine PCR Molecular $55.00 $49.50 M-F same day feces, intestinal content, fecal swab, intestine Includes Rotavirus group A, BCoV, Salmonella spp, E coli K99, Cryptosporidium parvum
Bovine herpesvirus - BHV-1 Bovine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F next day lung, nasal swab
Bovine herpesvirus - BHV-1 Bovine VN Virology $5.00 F following Monday serum
Bovine herpesvirus - BHV-1 Bovine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days lung, nasal swab, aborted fetal tissue
Bovine herpesvirus - BHV-1 Bovine, Caprine, Ovine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed tissue
Bovine leukemia virus - BLV Bovine, Ungulates ELISA Serology $5.00 $4.50 T, Th same day serum Bison
Bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 - BPIV-3 Bovine VN Virology $5.00 F M serum
Bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 - BPIV-3 Bovine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day BAL, lung, nasal swab, tracheal wash
Bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 - BPIV-3 Bovine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days lung, nasal swab
Bovine respiratory panel bacterial - BRP Bacti Bovine, Caprine, Ovine PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M-F same day lung, pharyngeal swab, tracheal wash, BAL Includes Mycoplasma bovis, Mannheimia haemolytica, Histophilus somni, Pasteurella multocida
Bovine respiratory panel viral - BRP Viral Bovine, Caprine, Ovine PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M-F same day lung, nasopharyngeal swab, TTW, BAL Includes Bovine Coronavirus, Bovine Herpesvirus type 1, Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus, and Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus
Bovine respiratory panel viral and bacterial - BRP Bovine, Caprine, Ovine PCR Molecular $80.00 $72.00 M-F same day lung, nasal swab, pharyngeal swab, tracheal wash, BAL Includes Bovine Coronavirus, Bovine Herpesvirus type 1, Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus, Mycoplasma bovis, Mannheimia haemolytica, histophilus somni, Pasteurella multocida
Bovine respiratory syncytial virus - BRSV Bovine, Caprine, Ovine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed lung
Bovine respiratory syncytial virus - BRSV Bovine, Caprine, Ovine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day lung, nasal swab, pharyngeal swab, tracheal wash, BAL
Bovine respiratory syncytial virus - BRSV Bovine VN Virology $5.00 F following Friday serum
Bovine respiratory syncytial virus - BRSV Bovine VI Virology $35.00 as needed one week Lung, nasal swab, oropharyngeal swab
Bovine viral diarrhea virus - BVDV Bovine AgELISA Serology $6.00 $5.40 W, F same day serum, ear notches (fresh, not fixed)
Bovine viral diarrhea virus - BVDV Bovine, Caprine, Ovine PCR - screen Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day feces, intestinal content, fecal swab, buffy coat, intestine, lung, lymph node, semen, serum, spleen, milk, fresh ear notch Turn around time is NEXT DAY for fresh ear notches and EDTA whole blood buffy coat samples.
Bovine viral diarrhea virus - BVDV Bovine IHC (1-3 notches) Histopathology $20.00 $18.00 M-F next day formalin-fixed ear notches For surveillance cases only.
Bovine viral diarrhea virus - BVDV Bovine VI Virology $35.00 M, W 7-10 days blood, lung, serum, semen

BVDV VI performed in MBDK cells is $35.00. If requesting VI in BT cells, price is $40.00

Bovine viral diarrhea virus - BVDV Bovine VN- type I Virology $5.00 F following Wednesday serum
Bovine viral diarrhea virus - BVDV Bovine VN- type II Virology $5.00 F following Wednesday serum
Bovine viral diarrhea virus - BVDV Bovine IHC (4 or more notches) Histopathology $3.75 $3.38 M-F next day formalin-fixed ear notches $3.75 per notch. For surveillance cases only.
Bovine viral diarrhea virus - BVDV Bovine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed lung, spleen, thymus For diagnostic cases only
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus and Bovine Herpesvirus type 1 - BVDV/BHV-1 Bovine, Caprine, Ovine PCR Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M-F same day lung, nasopharyngeal swab, BAL
Brachyspira Avian, Canine, Porcine Culture - Routine Bacteriology $20.00 M-F 1-2 weeks colon, feces, or fecal swabs This test is intended to screen for strongly beta-hemolytic and weakly beta-hemolytic Brachyspira species. Due to the inherently high level of background flora in fecal samples, the ISUVDL Bacteriology Section does not pool samples for Brachyspira culture. Samples are set up individually, reported individually, and charged individually.
Brachyspira Porcine Culture - Dysentery Surveillance Bacteriology $15.00 M-F 1-2 weeks Colon, feces, or fecal swabs This test is intended to screen for strongly beta-hemolytic Brachyspira species only. If weakly beta-hemolytic Brachyspira species are of clinical concern, please select Routine Brachyspira Culture. Due to the inherently high level of background flora in fecal samples, the ISUVDL Bacteriology Section does not pool samples for Brachyspira culture. Samples are set up individually, reported individually, and charged individually.
Brachyspira Avian, Bovine, Canine, Porcine Susceptibility Bacteriology $40.00 M-Th 1 - 2 weeks feces, colon contents, oral fluids
Brachyspira hyodysenteriae/hampsonii Porcine PCR Molecular $45.00 $40.50 M-F same day feces, fecal swab, culture

Duplex real-time PCR intended for diagnosing swine dysentery (SD) associated with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae or Brachyspira hampsonii infections in swine.

Brachyspira spp. Porcine Sequencing (nox gene) Molecular $50.00 $45.00 M/W/F 3-5 days identification from culture
Brucella Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Cervidae, Equine, Ovine, Porcine, Ungulates B. abortus/suis BAPA Screen Serology $1.00 $0.90 M-F same day serum Bison
Brucella Bovine, Camelid, Canine, Caprine, Cervidae, Equine, Ovine, Porcine, Ungulates B. abortus/suis/melitensis Card Serology $2.00 $1.80 M-F same day serum, plasma Unless specified by export, all swine sera submitted for the Card test will be tested for Brucellosis on the BAPA
Brucella Bovine, Porcine B. abortus FPA Serology $7.50 $6.75 M-F same day serum
Brucella Bovine, Caprine, Cervidae, Equine, Ovine, Porcine, Ungulates Bruc. SPT Serology $2.50 $2.25 M-F same day serum Bison
Brucella Bovine, Equine, Ovine, Porcine Bruc. STT Serology $2.50 $2.25 M-W 3-day test serum
Brucella canis Canine B. canis Rapid Ab Serology $20.00 $18.00 M-F same day whole blood, plasma, and serum If positive will be automatically sent to NVSL for confirmatory testing
Bulk Tank Milk Bovine Culture Bacteriology $35.00 M-Th 4 - 6 days bulk tank milk Mycoplasma culture may also be requested with this test
Campylobacter All Species Culture Bacteriology $10.00 M-F 1 week Samples should be collected in transport media such as Weybridge and arrive at the laboratory on Monday-Friday during business hours within 24-48 hours of collection for test validity. Refrigerated or frozen samples are not suitable for culture.
Campylobacter jejuni and fetus Bovine, Caprine, Ovine PCR Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M-F Same day Placenta, fetal tissues, stomach content
Canine adenovirus - CAdV Canine PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th next day liver, laryngeal swab, tracheal swab, lung, nasal swab
Canine adenovirus - CAdV Canine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days lung, feces, intestine, nasal swab
Canine coronavirus - CCoV Canine PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th next day feces, fecal swab
Canine distemper virus - CDV Canine PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th next day lung, brain, nasal swab
Canine herpesvirus - CHV Canine PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th next day lung, nasal swab, kidney, liver
Canine herpesvirus - CHV Canine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days lung, kidney, liver, nasal swab
Canine herpesvirus - CHV Canine VN Virology $5.00 F following Monday serum
Canine influenza virus - CIV Canine PCR - Subtype Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th next day lung, BAL, nasal swab
Canine parvovirus - CPV Canine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days intestine, feces
Canine parvovirus - CPV VP2 Canine PCR - VP2 Molecular $65.00 $58.50 M, Th 3-5 days Feces, intestine, fecal swab, intestinal content
Canine parvovirus - CPV VP2^ Canine Sequencing (VP2) Molecular $150.00 $120.00 M/W/F 3-5 days Feces, intestine, fecal swab, intestinal content

Cost: CPV VP2 - PCR $65.00, CPV VP2 Sequencing & Analysis $85.00: Total cost $150.00. ^A portion of the sequencing test is performed at the DNA facility which is not ISO/AAVLD accredited, but sequences are analyzed at the VDL.

Canine parvovirus-2 - CPV-2 Canine PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th next day intestine, feces, fecal swab
Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus - CAE Caprine, Ovine cELISA Serology $6.50 $5.85 F same day serum
Caprine herpesvirus - CpHV Caprine PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th next day lung, nasal swab, vaginal swab, lymph node, BAL
Carbon monoxide (carboxyhemoglobin) All Species Colormetric Analytical Chemistry Services $40.00 5-7 days *whole blood - EDTA (2-5mL), fetal thoracic fluid (2-5mL)
Cashe valley virus - CVV^^ Caprine, Ovine PCR - R&D Molecular $20.00 $18.00 as needed next day placenta, fetal tissues, stomach content
CD20 Bovine, Canine, Feline, Porcine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed 10% neutral buffered formalin-fixed tissues
CD3 Avian, Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Porcine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed 10% neutral buffered formalin-fixed tissues
Chlamydia pecorum^^ Bovine, Caprine, Ovine PCR - R&D Molecular $20.00 $18.00 as needed next day Joint fluid, ocular swab, feces, brain, lung, uterine swab, placenta
Chlamydia suis Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day Eye swab, vaginal swab
Cholinesterase (AChE)^^ All Species delta pH Analytical Chemistry Services $30.00 same day *whole blood - EDTA (2mL), * fresh brain Brain should be refrigerated or frozen. Severely autolyzed brain will impact results. Whole blood-EDTA should be refrigerated.
Chronic wasting disease - CWD Ungulates ELISA Virology $25.00 Th same day FRESH tissues: Medial retropharyngeal lymph node AND obex $15.00 - farm raised; $25.00 - free roaming; $12.50 - preserve
Clostridioides difficile All Species Culture Bacteriology $15.00 M-F 1 week
Clostridioides difficile All Species ELISA - toxin A/B Bacteriology $30.00 M-F same day colon, feces Same day results if samples received by 2pm. Swabs are not an acceptable sample type.
Clostridioides difficile All Species PCR - toxin A & B genes Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M, Th Next day Feces, Fecal Swab, Intestine This assay detects and differentiates the genes for toxin A and toxin B.
Clostridium perfringens All Species PCR - toxin genotyping (alpha, beta, epsilon, iota, enterotoxin, beta2) Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day culture
Clostridium sp. ^^ All Species FA Bacteriology $10.00 M-F 1-2 days muscle
Coliform All Species Culture Bacteriology $15.00 M-F 1-2 days water
Cortisol^^ All Species ELISA (R&D) Serology $30.00 $27.00 contact section leader serum, plasma, saliva
Coxiella burnetii - Q Fever Caprine, Ovine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day feces, milk, placenta, vaginal swab, stomach content
Coxiella burnetii - Q Fever Bovine, Caprine, Cervidae, Ovine ELISA Serology $15.00 $13.50 Th same day Serum, Plasma, Milk
Cyanide^^ All Species LC-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $40.00 5-7 days whole blood-EDTA (4mL), *forage/silage/feed (50g), liver (50g), water (1 mL) Freeze specimens promptly in airtight container and maintain frozen during shipping. A % Moisture will be included with this test for feed and forage samples.
Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Bloom (CHAB) Toxins All Species LC-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $200.00 as needed 7-10 days water Preferred sample size is 500mL. Panel includes anatoxin-a, cylindrospermopsin, microcystin LA, microcystin LR, microcystin RR, and microcystin YR
Cystoisospora suis Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th Next day feces, intestine
Decalcification All Species Decalcification Histopathology $5.00 as needed
Dermatophilus Screen All Species Staining Bacteriology $30.00 M-Th 4-8 days skin, hair, scabs, crusts Swabs are not an acceptable sample type. This test includes culture & direct smear.
Direct Smear All Species Staining Bacteriology $10.00 M-F same day Gram's stain, acid fast stain
Encephalomyocarditis virus - EMCV Porcine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days brain, heart
Encephalomyocarditis virus - EMCV Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day brain, spinal cord, heart
Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus - EHDV Bovine, Caprine, Cervidae, Ovine, Ungulates PCR Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M, Th next day whole blood, spleen
Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus and Bluetongue virus - EHDV and BTV Bovine, Caprine, Cervidae, Ovine, Ungulates PCR Molecular $60.00 $54.00 M, Th next day Whole-blood, spleen
Equine adenovirus 1 - EAdV1 Equine PCR Molecular $45.00 $40.50 M, Th next day lung, nasal swab
Equine arteritis virus - EAV Equine PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M-F same day nasal swab, EDTA blood, lung, semen, fetal tissues (lung, liver, kidney, thymus, spleen, placenta)
Equine herpesvirus type 1 - EHV1 Equine PCR - neuropathotyping (A2254G) Molecular $45.00 $40.50 M-F same day nasal swab, lung, brain, fetal tissues, buffy coat
Equine herpesvirus type 1- EHV1 Equine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days fetal tissues (lung, liver, thymus, spleen, placenta), lung, blood, nasal swab, brain
Equine herpesvirus type 2 - EHV2 Equine PCR Molecular $45.00 $40.50 M, Th next day nasal swab, lung
Equine herpesvirus type 3 - EHV3 Equine PCR Molecular $45.00 $40.50 M, Th Next day Reproductive swabs
Equine herpesvirus type 3 - EHV3 Equine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days reproductive tract scraping/swab
Equine herpesvirus type 4 - EHV4 Equine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days fetal tissues (lung, liver, thymus, spleen, placenta), lung, blood, nasal swab, brain
Equine herpesvirus type 4 - EHV4 Equine PCR (R&D) Molecular call M-F same day nasal swab, lung, brain, fetal tissues, buffy coat CALL for pricing: 515-294-1950
Equine infectious anemia - EIA Equine AGID Serology $6.00 $5.40 M-Th next day serum
Equine infectious anemia - EIA Equine ELISA Serology $6.00 $5.40 M-F same day serum
Equine influenza virus - EIV Equine VI Virology $50.00 as needed 7-14 days lung, nasal swab
Equine rhinitis A and B virus - ERAV & ERBV Equine PCR Molecular $45.00 $40.50 M-F same day nasal swab, lung
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae All Species Bacterial enrichment Bacteriology $20.00 M-F 8 days $20 enrichment + routine culture fee ($15.00 - $30.00 depending on species and sample type).
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Porcine FMIA Luminex Serology $9.00 $8.10 M same day serum
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae All Species IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed skin, spleen
Escherichia coli All Species PCR -genotyping Molecular $65.00 $58.50 M, Th next day culture E. coli genotyping PCR targets the following genes: Toxin Genes: EAST1, LT, Sta, STb, Stx1, Stx2, Stx2e; Pilus Genes: F18, F41, K88, K99, 987P; Adhesin Genes: AIDA, EAEA, PAA
Ethylene glycol^^ All Species GC-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $100.00 5-7 days *kidney/liver (50g), *bait (50g), serum/plasma (2mL), GI contents/vomitus/feed (50g), urine (5mL) If GI contents are submitted they need to be collected < 8 hours from the exposure.
Feed particle size^^ All Species Physical Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Services $20.00 3-5 days *feed (200g) Not for high-fat feeds or liquid feeds.
Feline calicivirus - FCV Feline PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th next day lung, nasal swab, conjunctival swab
Feline calicivirus - FCV Feline VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days lung, nasal swab, conjunctival swab
Feline herpesvirus - FHV Feline PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th next day lung, nasal swab, conjunctival swab
Feline herpesvirus - FHV Feline VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days lung, nasal swab, conjunctival swab
Feline panleukopenia virus - FPLV Feline PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th next day intestine, feces, fecal swab
Feline parvovirus-FPV Feline VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days intestine, feces
Fluoride^^ All Species ion specific electrode Analytical Chemistry Services $100.00 10-14 days *serum/plasma (2mL), urine (2mL), *bone - whole bone
Fungal All Species Culture Bacteriology $25.00 M-F 20 - 30 days $25.00 1st sample; $10.00 each additional sample
Fungal ID Culture Sent All Species Fungal ID Bacteriology $15.00 M-F 3-15 days Agar plate or slant of pure fungal growth
GC/MS Toxicant Screen All Species GC-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $150.00 Tu 1-3 days *GI contents (50g), feed (200g), water (100mL), serum/plasma (5mL), tissues (50g) The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) screen offers the possibility of detecting potential toxicants in a sample. Data is matched to a library of mass spectra that includes more than 200,000 compounds. The GC-MS screen is capable of detecting pesticides (organophosphorus, carbamate, pyrethroid, and chlorinated), industrial pollutants, natural products, alkaloids, vitamins, and drugs. If the specimen of interest is not listed or if you have questions regarding suspected compounds please contact the lab for further information. This test will not detect mycotoxins, heavy metals, anticoagulants, or ionophores.
Giardia^ All Species SNAP Parasitology $19.00 M-F as needed feces
Glaesserella parasuis - GPS Porcine PCR - serotype Molecular $60.00 $54.00 M, Th next day Pure Culture This assay detects serotypes 1 through 15.
Glaesserella parasuis - GPS Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day lung, BAL, bronchial swab, joint fluid, heart, fibrin, oral fluid, pleural swab
Gossypol All Species HPLC Analytical Chemistry Services $80.00 7-10 days *feed (200g), GI contents (50g) Assay measures the concentration of free gossypol.
Heavy Metals Panel All Species ICP-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $50.00 3-5 days whole blood-EDTA (2mL) Elements available: arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury
Histopathology All Species IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed tissue, unstained slide
Histopathology All Species Slide preparation - MEGA Histopathology $15.00 This is an additional charge for generating a large format histology (MEGA) slide.
Histopathology All Species Special stains Histopathology $15.00 as needed tissue, unstained slide
Iba-1 Bovine, Canine, Equine, Feline, Porcine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed 10% neutral buffered formalin-fixed tissues
Individual Element - Tissue and Feed All Species ICP-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $25.00 M, Tu, Th, F 1-3 days feed (200g), tissue (50g), liver biopsy $25 per element. Elements Available: Calcium, Cadmium, Cobalt, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Sodium, Phosphorus, Selenium, Zinc.
Individual Heavy Metal All Species ICP-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $35.00 3-5 days whole blood-EDTA (2mL) Elements Available: Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury
Influenza A virus - IAV Porcine HI H1 - H1 gamma '99 Virology $7.00 M Tu serum
Influenza A virus - IAV Porcine HI H3 - H3 Cluster 4 Virology $7.00 M Tu serum
Influenza A virus - IAV Canine, Equine, Feline, Porcine PCR - Subtype Molecular $45.00 $40.50 Tu, F next day lung, nasal swab, BAL, oral fluids, bronchial swab, allantoic fluid, oropharyngeal swab, pharyngeal swab, tracheal swab, udder wipe

For IAV subtyping added after initial screen when NOT ordered together. Appropriate swabs to use for influenza virus PCR are synthetic (Dacron or Rayon) tipped swabs on plastic shafts. Swabs should be placed in 1 ml of PBS in a falcon snap cap tube and the shaft broken low enough to allow the cap to be securely snapped tightly and avoid leakage. Do not send swabs in agar or gel-type media. Avoid using any calcium-alginate-tipped swabs or bleach. Also avoid cotton swabs with wooden shafts. Ship swabs overnight to the diagnostic laboratory. Acceptable swabs: Star Swab II, Copan swabs, Other swabs are also available.

Influenza A virus - IAV Porcine, Bovine NP ELISA Serology $7.50 $6.75 F same day serum (porcine and bovine), milk (bovine), bulk tank milk (bovine)
Influenza A Virus - IAV Porcine HI H1N2 human-like Virology $7.00 M Tu serum
Influenza A virus - IAV Porcine HI Zoetis Ags (4) Virology $28.00 M Tu serum
Influenza A virus - IAV Porcine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed lung
Influenza A virus - IAV Porcine VI Virology $50.00 T, Th 7-21 days lung, nasal swab, BAL, oral fluids
Influenza A virus - IAV Porcine PCR - USDA Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F lung, nasal swab, oral fluids, udder wipe

Includes subtyping one positive sample per case. Appropriate swabs to use for influenza virus PCR are synthetic (Dacron or Rayon) tipped swabs on plastic shafts. Swabs should be placed in 1 ml of PBS in a falcon snap cap tube and the shaft broken low enough to allow the cap to be securely snapped tightly and avoid leakage. Do not send swabs in agar or gel-type media. Avoid using any calcium-alginate-tipped swabs or bleach. Also avoid cotton swabs with wooden shafts. Ship swabs overnight to the diagnostic laboratory. Acceptable swabs: Star Swab II, Copan swabs, Other swabs are also available. https://webhost-dev.cvm.iastate.edu/vdl/wp-content/uploads/USDA-testing-alogorithm-IAV-appendix-c-guidelines.pdf

Influenza A virus - IAV Porcine HI, H3 Cluster 1/3 Virology $7.00 M Tu serum
Influenza A virus - IAV Porcine HI, H1 Classical '73 Virology $7.00 M Tu serum
Influenza A virus - IAV Avian, Bovine, Canine, Equine, Feline, Porcine HI, H1 pandemic Virology $8.00 M Tu serum
Influenza A Virus - IAV Canine, Equine, Feline, Porcine PCR - Quantitative Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M-F same day lung, nasal swab, BAL, oral fluids, bronchial swab, oropharyngeal swab, pharyngeal swab, tracheal swab, udder wipe
Influenza A virus - IAV^ Canine, Equine, Feline, Porcine Sequencing (hemagglutinin (HA), ~1.7kb) Molecular $110.00 $99.00 M, W, F up to two business weeks from time of request BAL, lungs, nasal swabs, oral fluid, bronchial swabs, udder wipe, and virus isolates

USDA surveillance samples may be delayed while the required isolate is obtained. Sample amount: no less than 1mL fluid, 3 grams of tissue. Success rate: IAV screening PCR with a ct of 35 or lower for lung, BAL and nasal swab or ct of 30 or lower for oral fluids is recommended. Cost: IAV HA gene PCR-$35.00 IAV Sequencing and analysis- $75.00 Total cost=$110.00 In cases where the HA Subtype is unknown the sequencing cost may increase by $35 to $145. ^A portion of the sequencing test is performed at the DNA facility which is not ISO/AAVLD accredited, but sequences are analyzed at the VDL.  https://webhost-dev.cvm.iastate.edu/vdl/wp-content/uploads/USDA-IAV-sequencing.pdf

Influenza B virus - IBV Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day lung, nasal swab
Influenza C virus - ICV Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day lung, nasal swab, pharyngeal swab
Influenza D virus - IDV Bovine, Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F next day Lung, nasal swab, tracheal wash, pharyngeal swab
Interpretation - Diagnostic Individual All Species Interpretation Histopathology $70.00 as needed For clinical diagnostic submissions with gross pathology and ancillary testing where individual testing on animals from the same epidemiological unit (age, group, or lot) is requested. Cost is $70 for up to 10 slides and $7 for each additional slide.
Interpretation - Diagnostic Routine All Species Interpretation Histopathology $35.00 as needed For clinical diagnostic submissions with gross pathology and ancillary testing where individual testing is NOT requested. Cost is $35 for up to 10 slides and $7 for each additional slide. For submissions with only histopathology, the initial fee is $45.
Interpretation - Research All Species Interpretation Histopathology $300.00 as needed Fee is assessed per hour in 30 minute increments.
Ionophore Panel - Feed All Species HPLC or LC-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $100.00 W 1-3 days *corn-based feed (200g) Panel includes: Lasalocid, Monensin, Narasin, and Salinomycin. Expected concentration required upon submission. If expected concentration is not given upon submission then additional charges may apply.
Japanese encephalitis virus - JEV^^ Equine, Porcine PCR - R&D Molecular $20.00 $18.00 as needed next day fetal tissues
Lawsonia intracellularis (Ileitis) Porcine ELISA blocking Serology $8.00 $7.20 W same day serum, plasma
Lawsonia intracellularis (Ileitis) Equine, Porcine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed colon, intestine
Lawsonia intracellularis (Ileitis) Equine, Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day feces, fecal swab, intestine
Lawsonia intracellularis (Ileitis) Equine, Porcine PCR - Quantitative Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M-F same day feces, fecal swab, intestine
LC-MS Toxicant Screen All Species LC-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $150.00 Tu 1-3 days feed (200g), GI contents (50g), water (100mL), serum/plasma (5mL), tissues (50g) The liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) screen offers possibility of detecting potential toxicants in a sample. Data is matched to a library containing more than 9 million spectra. The LC-MS screen is capable of detecting a wide variety of environmental contaminants and toxicants as well as drugs (antibiotics, anthelmintics, growth promoters, and ionophores). If the specimen of interest is not listed or if you have questions regarding suspected compounds, please contact the lab for further information. This test will not detect chlorinated pesticides and heavy metals.
Lead - Tissue All Species ICP-OES Analytical Chemistry Services $25.00 Tu, Th 3-5 days liver, kidney (50g)
Lead STAT Blood All Species kit Analytical Chemistry Services $20.00 as needed same day whole blood-EDTA (2mL)
Legal Case Fee All Species Pathology $250.00 $250.00 for legal or insurance case processing and documentation.
Leptospira All Species Individual serovars Serology $6.00 $5.40 T, Th same day serum, fetal thoracic fluid bratislava, canicola, copenhageni, grippotyphosa, hardjo, ictero, pomona
Leptospira All Species MAT 5 serovars Serology $5.50 $4.95 T, Th same day serum, fetal thoracic fluid

5 serovars = canicola, ictero, grippo, pomona, hardjo

Leptospira All Species PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M - F same day kidney, urine
Leptospira All Species MAT 6 serovars Serology $6.00 $5.40 T, Th same day serum, fetal thoracic fluid

6 serovars = canicola, ictero, grippo, pomona, hardjo, bratislava

Leptospira hardjo bovis Bovine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M - F same day kidney, urine
Leptospira interrogans All Species IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed kidney, liver
Listeria All Species Enrichment culture Bacteriology $35.00 M-F 16 weeks $35 enrichment + routine culture fee ($15.00 - $30.00 depending on species and sample type).
Listeria monocytogenes Bovine, Caprine, Ovine, Porcine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed brain, placenta
Mass Spectrometry Toxicant Screen All Species GC-MS and LC-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $200.00 Tu 1-3 days feed (200g), GI contents (50g), water (100mL), serum/plasma (5mL), tissues (50g) Both the GC-MS and LC-MS screens offers the possibility of detecting potential toxicants in a sample. Data is matched to a library. If the specimen of interest is not listed or if you have questions regarding suspected compounds, please contact the lab for further information. Additional information is available under Laboratories > Analytical Chemistry Services > Helpful Testing Information
Methemoglobin All Species Spectrophotometer Analytical Chemistry Services $35.00 7-10 days *whole blood-EDTA (2 mL) Samples should be chilled and submitted ASAP.
Milk Culture All Species Bacterial Isolation and Identification Bacteriology $8.00 M-F 3 - 7 days milk
Milk culture plus Mycoplasma Bovine Bacterial Isolation and Identification Bacteriology $10.00 M-F 3 - 14 days milk
Moisture (%) All Species Physical Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Services $10.00 3-5 days *feed (20g), *tissue (20g)
Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (Johne's) Bovine ELISA Serology $5.00 $4.50 W, F same day serum, plasma

Please visit https://vetmed.iastate.edu/vdpam/about/FSVM/beef/bovine-disease-topics/johnes-disease for more information.

Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (Johne Bovine, Caprine, Ovine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day (Up to next day) feces, fecal swab

An extra day may be necessary as large herd surveillance cases need extra organization and oddly packaged samples (gloves/bags) require additional bio-security measures. Please visit https://vetmed.iastate.edu/vdpam/about/FSVM/beef/bovine-disease-topics/johnes-disease for more information.

Mycoplasma All species EXCEPT porcine Culture Bacteriology $40.00 M-F 3 weeks Suspect positives will be confirmed by MALDI-TOF-MS identification or PCR at no additional cost
Mycoplasma Porcine Culture Bacteriology $40.00 M-F 4 weeks Suspect positives will be confirmed by PCR at no additional cost. Turn around time: 4 weeks for M. hyopneumoniae, 17 days for M. hyorhinis or M. hyosynoviae.
Mycoplasma bovis Bovine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed lung
Mycoplasma bovis Bovine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day lung, BAL, milk, nasal swab, joint swab, tracheal wash
Mycoplasma flocculare Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day lung, nasal swab, culture
Mycoplasma gallisepticum - MG Avian ELISA Serology $2.50 $2.25 Tuesday same day serum chicken, turkey
Mycoplasma gallisepticum - MG Avian PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day oropharyngeal and tracheal swabs
Mycoplasma gallisepticum - MG^^ Avian Sequencing (IGSR/mgc2/pvpA, R&D) Molecular $225.00 $202.50 M/W/F 3-5 days Oropharyngeal swab, Tracheal swab

Cost: AvMG - PCR $75.00, AvMG - Sequencing & Analysis $150.00: Total cost of $225.00. ^ A portion of the sequencing test is performed at the DNA facility which is not ISO/AAVLD accredited, but sequences are analyzed at the VDL.

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae - MHP Porcine ISH Histopathology call Lung Please contact for pricing and availability.
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae - MHP Porcine ELISA Serology $5.50 $4.95 M-F same day serum, plasma
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae - MHP Porcine Titration Bacteriology $50.00 M-F 4 weeks Culture, challenge material
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae - MHP Porcine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed lung
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae - MHP Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day lung, bronchial swab, BAL, oral fluids, nasal swab, laryngeal swab, tracheal swab
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae - MHP Porcine PCR - Quantitative Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M-F same day lung, bronchial swab, BAL, oral fluids, nasal swab, laryngeal swab, tracheal swab
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae - MHP^ Porcine Sequencing (P146 adhesion gene) Molecular $145.00 $130.50 M, W, F 3-5 days lung, bronchial swab, BAL, oral fluids, nasal swab, laryngeal swab, tracheal swab

Cost: MHP P146 - PCR $60.00, MHP P146 Sequencing & Analysis $85.00: Total cost $145.00. ^A portion of the sequencing test is performed at the DNA facility which is not ISO/AAVLD accredited, but sequences are analyzed at the VDL.

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae - MHP^^ Porcine PF ELISA Research $7.00 contact lab processing fluid
Mycoplasma hyorhinis - MHR Porcine IgG ELISA Serology $8.00 $7.20 W same day serum
Mycoplasma hyorhinis - MHR Porcine PCR Molecular $25.00 $22.50 M, Th next day lung, oral fluid, joint swab, joint fluid, fibrin, heart
Mycoplasma hyorhinis - MHR^^ Porcine RNAscope® Histopathology call Please call for pricing and availability.
Mycoplasma hyosynoviae - MHS Porcine PCR Molecular $25.00 $22.50 M, Th next day joint swab, joint fluid, oral fluids, lung, tonsil
Mycoplasma hyosynoviae - MHS Porcine MHS T20 IgG ELISA Serology $8.00 $7.20 W Same day Serum
Mycoplasma iowae - MI Avian PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day cloacal swabs
Mycoplasma meleagridis - MM Avian PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day oropharyngeal swab, tracheal swab
Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae - M. ovi Bovine, Caprine, Ovine PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th Next day Nasal swab, lung
Mycoplasma spp - eMyco^ All Species PCR with Sequencing Molecular $100.00 $90.00 M, Th next day if negative, one week if positive lung, Bronchial Swab, Tracheal Swab, Ocular Swab, Cell Culture, Joint Fluid Cost: $50 for PCR, $50 for sequencing. Total cost=$100 ^A portion of the sequencing test is performed at the DNA facility which is not ISO/AAVLD accredited, but sequences are analyzed at the VDL
Mycoplasma suis Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day whole blood (EDTA or heparin), spleen
Mycoplasma synoviae - MS Avian PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day oropharyngeal and tracheal swabs
Mycoplasma synoviae - MS Avian ELISA Serology $2.50 $2.25 Tuesday same day serum chicken, turkey
Mycoplasma synoviae^^ - MS Avian Sequencing (vlhA) (R&D) Molecular $110.00 $99.00 M/W/F 3-5 days Oropharyngeal swab, Tracheal swab

Cost: AvMS - PCR $45.00, AvMS Sequencing & Analysis $65.00: Total cost $110.00. ^A portion of the sequencing test is performed at the DNA facility which is not ISO/AAVLD accredited, but sequences are analyzed at the VDL.

Mycotoxin - Aflatoxin M1 All Species LC-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $100.00 7-10 days *liver (20g)

See the mycotoxin cvm.iastate.edu/vdl/resources/pathogens-toxins/mycotoxins/ page for more information.

Mycotoxins Panel All Species LC-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $100.00 Th 1-3 days *corn, grain, feed, mixed feed (200g) Panel includes: Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2, Dexoynivalenol, 3-Acetyl Deoxynivalenol, Fumonisin B1, B2, Ochratoxin A, T-2, HT-2, Zearalenone, Zearalenol. See the mycotoxin website page for more info. Preferred specimen is corn.
Necropsy Bovine, Camelid, Canine, Caprine, Cervidae, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Rodent, Ungulates Necropsy - Fetal Pathology $10.00 as needed Fetus/Embryo
Necropsy Avian Necropsy - Poultry mature (each) Pathology $10.00 as needed
Necropsy All Species Special or complex procedures Pathology $100.00 as needed Fee is per hour
Necropsy Avian Necropsy - Poultry juvenile (each) Pathology $5.00 as needed
Necropsy All species EXCEPT equine Disposal ($6 per 100 lb) Pathology $6.00 as needed
Necropsy Porcine Necropsy - Swine fetal Pathology $5.00 as needed
Necropsy Equine Disposal - Equine Pathology $300.00 as needed $300 for >200# by landfill; Free for <200# by incineration This is for diagnostic cases only.
Necropsy Species not listed on other necropsy tests Necropsy - Exotic Animal Pathology $75.00 as needed Other species not listed elsewhere
Necropsy Fish, bird, rodent Necropsy - Fish, Bird & Rodent Pathology $25.00 as needed
Necropsy Canine, Equine, Feline Necropsy - Companion Animal Pathology $75.00 as needed $75 for up to 3 animals of the same species with the same disease concern
Necropsy Bovine, Caprine, Ovine, Porcine Necropsy - Livestock >3 Pathology $25.00 as needed Fee for all animals beyond the first 3 on a case.
Necropsy Bovine, Caprine, Ovine, Porcine Necropsy - Livestock Pathology $50.00 as needed Base fee for all Livestock species. For case including more than 3 juvenile to adult animals, additional fees may apply.
Necropsy Avian Necropsy - Poultry Neonate (each) Pathology $5.00 as needed
Neospora All Species IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed Brain, placenta, muscle
Neospora Bovine PCR Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M-F next day Brain, liver, heart
Neospora caninum Bovine cELISA Serology $6.00 $5.40 W, F same day serum
Neospora caninum & Leptospira spp - Neo/Lepto Bovine PCR Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M-F same day Fetal tissues
Newcastle disease virus - NDV Avian ELISA Serology $2.00 $1.80 W same day serum
NGS^ All Species NGS - Novel/uncharacterized pathogen detection NextGen Sequencing $400.00 as needed 3-4 weeks infected clinical/body fluids, tissues, feces $400.00/library/sample
NGS^ All Species NGS - Mixed infection detection NextGen Sequencing $400.00 as needed 3-4 weeks infected clinical/body fluids, tissues, feces $400.00/library/sample
NGS^ All Species NGS - Viral whole genome sequencing NextGen Sequencing $300.00 as needed 3-4 weeks cell culture; infected/clinical tissue, body fluids, and feces $300.00/cell culture isolate sample; $300.00/infected or clinical tissue sample; Ct <24
NGS^ All Species NGS - 16s metagenomics analysis NextGen Sequencing $150.00 Contact lab environmental samples, infected/clinical body fluids, tissues, and feces Please call the lab for additional information.
NGS^ All Species NGS - Shotgun metagenomics sequencing NextGen Sequencing $800.00 as needed 3-4 weeks Provide 5-10Gb sequencing data for each sample; $800.00/sample ($650.00/sample if sample number is more than 96)
NGS^ All Species NGS - Bacterial genomic epidemiological analysis NextGen Sequencing $200.00 as needed 3-4 weeks pure bacterial strains Identify bacterial virulome, resistome, and perform phylogenetic analysis based on maximum common genome sequences; $200.00/strain (Inquire if strain number is more than 96)
Nitrate/Nitrite All Species HPLC Analytical Chemistry Services $40.00 Th 1-3 days *water (50mL), *ocular fluid/vitreous humor (2mL), *forage/silage (100g), GI contents (100g), serum/plasma (2mL) Keep refrigerated. A % Moisture test will be included for all forage/silage samples.
Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale - ORT Avian PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th Same day Lungs, trachea
Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale - ORT Avian ELISA Serology $3.00 $2.70 Th same day serum Chicken or turkey serum
Ovine herpesvirus type 2 - OHV-2 (Malignant Catarrhal Fever) Bovine, Caprine, Cervidae, Ovine, Porcine PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th next day nasal swab, lung, brain
Parasitology^ All Species Baermann Parasitology $25.00 M-Th next business day feces (5 grams) This assay requires at least 5 grams of feces and is run overnight and reported the next day. If submitting greater than 10 fecal samples, please contact the laboratory for scheduling and approximate turnaround time.
Parasitology^ All Species Sedimentation Parasitology $25.00 M-Th next business day feces (5 grams) This assay requires at least 5 grams of feces and is run overnight and reported the next day. If submitting greater than 10 fecal samples, please contact the laboratory for scheduling and approximate turnaround time.
Parasitology^ All Species Direct Smear Parasitology $15.00 M-F next business day feces If submitting greater than 10 fecal samples, please contact the laboratory for scheduling and approximate turnaround time.
Parasitology^ All Species Fecal flotation Parasitology $20.00 M-F next business day feces (3-5 grams) If submitting greater than 10 fecal samples, please contact the laboratory for scheduling and approximate turnaround time.
Parasitology^ All Species McMaster floatation Parasitology $25.00 M-F next business day feces (1-2 grams) If submitting greater than 10 fecal samples, please contact the laboratory for scheduling and approximate turnaround time.
Parasitology^ All Species Modified Wisconsin - quantitative Parasitology $30.00 M-F next business day feces Due to the sensitivity of this test, all samples are screened first with a sugar floatation, if negative or if low numbers of oocysts are detected, the Modified Wisconsin method will then be performed for quantification. If submitting greater than 10 fecal samples, please contact the laboratory for scheduling and approximate turnaround time.
Pasteurella multocida - P. mult All Species PCR Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M, Th next day oropharyngeal swab, nasal swab, lung
Pasteurella multocida dermonecrotic toxin - P. mult DNT Porcine PCR Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M, Th next day Nasal swab, culture
pH All Species pH meter Analytical Chemistry Services $7.00 3-5 days *GI contents (200g), *water (100mL)
Porcine Astrovirus type 3 - PoAstV3^^ Porcine RNAscope® ISH Histopathology call Brain, spinal cord Please call for pricing and availability.
Porcine astrovirus type 3 - PoAstV3 Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day Spinal cord, brain, feces, virus isolate
Porcine astrovirus type 4 - PoAstV4 Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th Next day Lung, nasal swab, udder wipe
Porcine circovirus type 1 - PCV1 Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day serum, oral fluid, processing fluid
Porcine circovirus type 2 & 3 - PCV2/3 Porcine PCR Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M-F same day serum, oral fluid, lung, lymph node, processing fluid
Porcine circovirus type 2 - PCV2 Porcine IFA endpoint Virology $15.00 Th same day serum
Porcine circovirus type 2 - PCV2 Porcine ELISA Serology $6.00 $5.40 Tu same day serum
Porcine circovirus type 2 - PCV2 Porcine FFN Virology $16.00 M F serum
Porcine circovirus type 2 - PCV2 Porcine IFA 4 dilution Virology $7.50 Th same day serum
Porcine circovirus type 2 - PCV2 Porcine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed kidney, lung, lymph node
Porcine circovirus type 2 - PCV2 Porcine PCR - detects genotypes PCV2a, PCV2b, PCV2c, PCV2d, PCV2e Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day serum, oral fluid, lung, lymph node, processing fluid
Porcine circovirus type 2 - PCV2 Porcine PCR - Quantitative Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M-F same day serum, lung, lymph node, oral fluid, processing fluid
Porcine circovirus type 2 - PCV2 Porcine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days serum, lung, lymph nodes, tonsil
Porcine circovirus type 2 - PCV2^ Porcine Sequencing (ORF2) Molecular $150.00 $135.00 M, W, F 3-5 days lungs, lymph nodes, oral fluid, serum, processing fluid Sample amount: no less than 1mL fluid or 3 grams of tissue. Success rate: PCV2 PCR screening with a ct of 32 or lower is recommended. Cost: PCV ORF2 PCR - $50.00, PCV sequencing and analysis - $100.00: Total cost=$150.00 ^A portion of the sequencing test is performed at the DNA facility which is not ISO/AAVLD accredited, but sequences are analyzed at the VDL
Porcine circovirus type 2d - PCV2d Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day Lung, fetal tissue, oral fluid, bronchoalveolar lavage, fecal swab, nasal swab, processing fluid
Porcine circovirus type 3 - PCV3^ Porcine Sequencing (ORF2) Molecular $150.00 $135.00 M, W, F 3-5 days lung, umbilicus, oral fluid, serum, processing fluid, fetal tissue Sample amount: no less than 1mL fluid or 3 grams of tissue. Success rate: PCV3 PCR screening with a ct of 32 or lower is recommended. Cost: PCV ORF2 PCR - $50.00, PCV sequencing and analysis - $100.00: Total cost=$150.00 ^A portion of the sequencing test is performed at the DNA facility which is not ISO/AAVLD accredited, but sequences are analyzed at the VDL
Porcine circovirus type 3 - PCV3^^ Porcine RNAscope® ISH Histopathology call Call Please call for pricing and availability.
Porcine circovirus type 3 - PCV3 Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day serum, oral fluid, lung, lymph node, processing fluid
Porcine circovirus type 3 - PCV3 Porcine PCR - Quantitative Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M-F same day lung, lung swab, serum, blood swab, processing fluid, oral fluid
Porcine cytomegalovirus - PCMV Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day nasal swab, turbinates, lung
Porcine deltacoronavirus - PDCoV^ Porcine Sequencing, S gene Molecular $200.00 $180.00 M, W, F 3-5 days Feces, fecal swab, oral fluid

Sample amount: no less than 1mL fluid or 3 grams tissue Success rate: PDCoV PCR screening with a ct of 22 or lower is recommended Cost: PDCoV S Gene PCR- $80.00, PDCoV sequencing and analysis- $120.00: Total cost=$200.00 ^A portion of the sequencing test is performed at the DNA facility which is not ISO/AAVLD accredited, but sequences are analyzed at the VDL

Porcine deltacoronavirus - PDCoV^ Porcine NGS - Whole Genome Sequencing NextGen Sequencing $300.00 as needed feces, fecal swabs, intestine, oral fluids
Porcine deltacoronavirus - PDCoV^^ Porcine S1 IgG ELISA (R&D) Serology $7.50 F same day serum
Porcine deltacoronavirus -PDCoV Porcine PCR - Singleplex Molecular $25.00 $22.50 M-F same day feces, fecal swabs, intestine, oral fluids, environmental samples
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus - PEDV Porcine S1 FMIA Luminex Serology $9.00 $8.10 T, Th same day Serum, colostrum, milk
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus - PEDV Porcine PCR - non-S-INDEL vs. S-INDEL differential Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day feces, fecal swabs, intestine, oral fluids, environmental samples This test differentiates the non-S-INDEL strain (also known as the prototype or original strain) and the S-INDEL strain (also known as the variant strain) of PEDV.
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus - PEDV Porcine ISH Histopathology call Small intestine Contact lab for pricing and availability.
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus - PEDV Porcine FFN Virology $20.00 M F serum, milk, colostrum
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus - PEDV Porcine VI Virology $35.00 as needed fecal swab, feces, intestine
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus - PEDV Porcine S1 FMIA IgA OF Serology $9.00 T same day (test cutoff 9 am for same day testing) oral fluids
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus - PEDV Porcine HTNT Virology $16.00 M F serum, milk, colostrum
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus - PEDV Porcine IFA screen Virology $5.50 M F serum
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus - PEDV Porcine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed intestine
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus - PEDV Porcine IFA 4 dilution Virology $15.00 M F serum
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus - PEDV Porcine PCR - Singleplex Molecular $25.00 $22.50 M-F same day feces, fecal swabs, intestine, oral fluids, environmental samples
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus - PEDV Porcine PCR - Quantitative Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day feces, fecal swabs, intestine, oral fluids, environmental samples
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus - PEDV^ Porcine NGS - Whole Genome Sequencing NextGen Sequencing $300.00 as needed feces, fecal swabs, intestine, oral fluids
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus - PEDV^ Porcine Sequencing (S1 portion, ~2.2kb) Molecular $150.00 $135.00 M, W, F 3-5 days feces, fecal swab, intestines, oral fluids, environmentals Sample amount: no less than 1mL fluid or 3 grams tissue Success rate: PEDV PCR screening with a ct of 21 or lower is recommended Cost: PEDV S1 PCR- $50.00, PEDV sequencing and analysis- $100.00: Total cost=$150.00 ^A portion of the sequencing test is performed at the DNA facility which is not ISO/AAVLD accredited, but sequences are analyzed at the VDL
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus / Porcine deltacoronavirus / Transmissible gastroenteritis virus - PEDV/PDCoV/TGEV Porcine PCR - Multiplex Molecular $25.00 $22.50 M-F same day feces, fecal swabs, intestine, oral fluids, environmental samples
Porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus - pHEV Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day brain, spinal cord
Porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus - pHEV^^ Porcine IgG ELISA (R&D) Research $10.00 M-F same day serum, plasma
Porcine parainfluenza virus type 1 - PPIV^^ Porcine ELISA (R&D) Research $7.50 contact lab same day serum
Porcine parainfluenza virus type 1 - PPIV Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F next day lung, nasal swabs, bronchial swab, BAL, oral fluids
Porcine parainfluenza virus type 1 - PPIV^ Porcine Sequencing (HN gene) Molecular $150.00 $135.00 M, W, F 3-5 days lung, nasal swabs, bronchial swab, BAL, oral fluids

Cost: PPIV HN gene - PCR $50.00, PPIV HN Sequencing & Analysis $100.00: Total cost $150.00. ^A portion of the sequencing test is performed at the DNA facility which is not ISO/AAVLD accredited, but sequences are analyzed at the VDL.

Porcine parainfluenza virus type 1 - PPIV^ Porcine Sequencing (F gene) Molecular $150.00 $135.00 M, W, F 3-5 days lung, nasal swabs, oral fluids, BAL, bronchial swab

Cost: PPIV F gene - PCR $50.00, PPIV F Sequencing & Analysis $100.00: Total cost $150.00. ^A portion of the sequencing test is performed at the DNA facility which is not ISO/AAVLD accredited, but sequences are analyzed at the VDL.

Porcine parvovirus - PPV Porcine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days aborted fetal tissue, fetal thoracic fluid
Porcine parvovirus - PPV Porcine HI Virology $7.00 M Tu serum
Porcine parvovirus - PPV Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F next day fetal tissue
Porcine parvovirus type 2 - PPV2 Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F next day serum, lung, spleen
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus (North American and European) / Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae - PRRSV NA, PRRSV EU, MHP Porcine FMIA Serology $35.00 $31.50 M-F same day Serum
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus - PRRSV Porcine VI - M145 cells Virology $35.00 F 7-14 days serum, oral fluid, lung
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus - PRRSV Porcine VI - ZMAC Virology $50.00 T, F 7-14 days serum, oral fluid, lung
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus - PRRSV Porcine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed lung, lymph node
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus - PRRSV Porcine PCR - Zoetis Fostera-like Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M-F Same day Blood swab, BAL, environmental, lung, oral fluid, processing fluid, semen, serum This assay tests for the presence of the vaccine virus in the sample but it is not a differential assay in that it does not exclude a potential co-infection with a wild-type PRRSV.
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus - PRRSV Porcine PCR - Pharmgate PRRSGard MLV-like Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M-F Same day Blood swab, BAL, environmental, lung, oral fluid, processing fluid, semen, serum
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus - PRRSV Porcine PCR - Elanco Prevacent-like and BIVI Ingelvac MLV-like multiplex Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M-F same day Blood swab, BAL, environmental, lung, oral fluid, processing fluid, semen, serum
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus - PRRSV^ Porcine Zoetis Fostera MLV CLAMP Sequencing Molecular $220.00 $198.00 M-F 2-4 days Blood swab, BAL, environmental, lung, oral fluid, processing fluid, semen, serum Sample amount: no less than 1 mL fluid, 3 grams of tissue. Success rate: PRRSV screening PCR with a ct of 30 or lower is recommended. Cost: ORF5 CLAMP PCR - $90.00 Sequencing and analysis - $65 per sequence recovered, maximum of 2. Total maximum cost=$220.
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus - PRRSV^ Porcine Elanco Prevacent MLV CLAMP Sequencing (ORF5 region, ~600bp) Molecular $220.00 $198.00 M-F 2-4 days Blood swab, BAL, environmental, lung, oral fluid, processing fluid, semen, serum Sample amount: no less than 1 mL fluid, 3 grams of tissue. Success rate: PRRSV screening PCR with a a ct of 30 or lower is recommended. Cost: ORF5 CLAMP PCR - $90.00 Sequencing and analysis - $65 per sequence recovered, maximum of 2. Total maximum cost=$220.
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus - PRRSV^^ Porcine IgA ELISA (R&D) Research $9.00 as needed
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus - PRRSV^^ Porcine IgM/IgA ELISA (R&D) Research $9.00 M same day oral fluids
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus - PRRSV^^ Porcine IgM ELISA (R&D) Research $9.00 as needed oral fluids, serum
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus- PRRSV Porcine ELISA X3 Serology $5.00 $4.50 M-F same day serum, plasma
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus- PRRSV Porcine ELISA OF Serology $7.50 $6.75 M-F same day oral fluids
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus- PRRSV Porcine FFN Virology $15.00 M F serum
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus- PRRSV Porcine IFA screen - European strain Virology $5.00 T, F same day serum call office
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus- PRRSV Porcine PCR - Quantitative Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day Blood swab, BAL, environmental, lung, oral fluid, processing fluid, semen, serum
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus- PRRSV Porcine IFA titration - European strain Virology $15.00 T, F same day serum
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus- PRRSV Porcine IFA screen - North American strain Virology $5.00 T, F same day serum
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus- PRRSV Porcine IFA titration - North American strain Virology $15.00 T, F same day serum
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus- PRRSV Porcine PCR - Screening Type 1 (EU) and Type 2 (NA) Molecular $25.00 $22.50 M-F same day Blood swab, BAL, environmental, lung, oral fluid, processing fluid, semen, serum
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus- PRRSV^ Porcine Sequencing (ORF5 region, ~600bp) Molecular $110.00 $99.00 M-F 2-4 days Blood swab, BAL, environmental, lung, oral fluid, processing fluid, semen, serum Sample amount: no less than 1mL fluid or 3 grams of tissue. Success rate: PRRSV screening PCR with a ct of 35 or lower is recommended. Cost: ORF5 PCR -$45.00 Sequencing and analysis- $65.00 Total cost=$110.00. ^A portion of the sequencing test is performed at the DNA facility which is not ISO/AAVLD accredited, but sequences are analyzed at the VDL. European PRRSV PCR is tested Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with a 2-4 day turn-around time.
Porcine reproductive & respiratory syndrome virus- PRRSV^ Porcine BIVI Ingelvac MLV CLAMP Sequencing (ORF5 region, ~600bp) Molecular $220.00 $198.00 M-F 2-4 days Blood swab, BAL, environmental, lung, oral fluid, processing fluid, semen, serum Sample amount: no less than 1 mL fluid, 3 grams of tissue. Success rate: PRRSV screening PCR with a a ct of 30 or lower is recommended. Cost: ORF5 CLAMP PCR - $90.00 Sequencing and analysis - $65 per sequence recovered, maximum of 2. Total maximum cost=$220.
Porcine respiratory coronavirus - PRCV Porcine PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M-F same day lung, nasal swab
Porcine Rotavirus A/B/C Porcine PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M-F Next day Feces, intestine, fecal swab, oral fluid
Porcine sapelovirus - PSV Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day spinal cord, brain, feces, fecal swab, oral fluid
Porcine sapelovirus - PSV Porcine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7 - 14 days serum, brain, spinal cord, lymph node
Porcine Sapovirus - PSapoV Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F next day feces, fecal swab, oral fluids
Porcine Sapovirus Genogroup III - PSapoV^ Porcine NGS - Sequencing Genogroup III VP1 NextGen Sequencing $200.00 as needed 3-4 weeks Feces, fecal swab $200 will provide up to 4 gene sequences, per serotype, per sample. If more than 4 gene sequences are generated, an additional $200 will be charged.
Porcine teschovirus - PTV Porcine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days spinal cord, brain
Porcine teschovirus - PTV Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day spinal cord, brain, feces, fecal swab, oral fluid This assay detects all serotypes of PTV (1-7, 11-13).
Pseudorabies - PRV Porcine ELISA gI Serology $5.50 $4.95 as needed same day serum
Pseudorabies - PRV Bovine, Canine, Cervidae, Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day brain, tonsil, lung, fetal tissues
Pseudorabies - PRV Porcine ELISA gB (screen) Serology $3.50 $3.15 W, F same day serum, meat juice
Pseudorabies - PRV Porcine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days brain, lung, tonsil
Pseudorabies - PRV Porcine VN Virology $5.00 F following Monday serum
Pullorum Avian AGG Serology $3.00 $2.70 as needed same day serum, whole blood
Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus 2 - RHDV2 rabbit PCR Molecular $50.00 $45.00 M-F Same day liver Testing must have prior approval from the State of Iowa Veterinarian.
Rabies All Species FA Virology $50.00 M-F 1-2 business days brain
Rabies All Species Emergency(weekend and after-hours) Virology $150.00 contact lab within 48 hours brain
Raw Milk Bovine, Caprine, Ovine Standard Plate & Coliform Count Bacteriology $25.00 M-Th 2 days Milk $25 first sample, $10 each additional sample
Rotavirus group A Bovine, Equine, Porcine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed intestine
Rotavirus group A Bovine, Porcine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days Feces, Fecal swab, intestine
Rotavirus group C Bovine, Equine, Porcine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed Small intestine
Rotavirus VP4 - ROTA VP4^ Avian, Bovine, Porcine NGS - Rotavirus VP4 NextGen Sequencing $200.00 as needed 3-4 weeks Feces, fecal swab Cost is $200 for each gene and genogroup per sample. Sequencing requests require specifying the gene (VP4, VP7, or both) and the genogroup (Rota A, B or C). Mixed infections may yield more than one sequence per gene within a genogroup.
Rotavirus VP7 - ROTA VP7^ Avian, Bovine, Porcine NGS - Rotavirus VP7 NextGen Sequencing $200.00 as needed 3-4 weeks Feces, fecal swab Cost is $200 for each gene and genogroup per sample. Sequencing requests require specifying the gene (VP4, VP7, or both) and the genogroup (Rota A, B or C). Mixed infections may yield more than one sequence per gene within a genogroup.
Salmonella All Species PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F Next-day Feces, intestines, culture
Salmonella Porcine ELISA Serology $8.00 $7.20 T Same day Serum, plasma, meatjuice
Salmonella All Species Check&Trace Salmonella Serotyping Molecular $90.00 $81.00 Tu Next day Pure Culture Check&Trace Salmonella serotyping is designed for the rapid molecular confirmation and serotyping of presumptive Salmonella spp bacterial isolate. The test employs highly specific DNA markers to allow accurate identification of the Salmonella serotype when Salmonella spp. is present.
Salmonella Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Broth Enrichment Bacteriology $10.00 M-F 1-3 days $10 enrichment + routine culture fee ($15.00 - $30.00 depending on sample type). If enriching for PCR, $10 enrichment + Salmonella PCR fee ($30.00). If PCR positive, sample will be cultured and $30 routine culture fee will be added.
Salmonella Bovine, Canine, Caprine, Equine, Feline, Ovine, Porcine Bacterial serogrouping Bacteriology $20.00 M-F 1-2 days This fee is added whenever a Salmonella species is isolated and serogrouped. Isolate may be sent to NVSL for serotyping at no additional cost.
Salmonella (All types) Avian Culture - All types Bacteriology $30.00 $27.00 M-F minimum 6 days Chick Papers, DOA (Viscera), Feces, Feed
Salmonella (S. dublin) Bovine ELISA Serology $6.00 $5.40 M same day serum, plasma, milk, colostrum
Salmonella (SE only) Avian Strip Test Bacteriology $30.00 $27.00 M-F minimum 3 days Environmentals, Chick paper swabs, Chick papers, Eggs Egg testing days are M-W.
Senecavirus A - SVA Porcine VI Virology $35.00 as needed 7-14 days serum, tissue (vesicles), vesicular fluid, oral fluid
Senecavirus A - SVA Porcine IFA Screen Virology $9.00 M F Serum
Senecavirus A - SVA Porcine 4-dil IFA Virology $15.00 M F serum
Senecavirus A - SVA Porcine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day serum, tissue (vesicles), oral fluid, vesicular fluid and vesicular swabs Contact your state health official first if lesions suggest a foreign animal disease. Appropriate swabs to use for SVA PCR are synthetic (Dacron or Rayon) tipped swabs on plastic shafts. Swabs should be placed in 1 ml of PBS in a falcon snap cap tube and the shaft broken low enough to allow the cap to be securely snapped tightly and avoid leakage. Do not send swabs in agar or gel-type media. Avoid using any calcium-alginate-tipped swabs or bleach. Also avoid cotton swabs with wooden shafts. Ship swabs overnight to the diagnostic laboratory. Acceptable swabs: Star Swab II, Copan swabs, Other swabs are also available.
Senecavirus A - SVA^ Porcine Sequencing (VP1) Molecular $150.00 $135.00 M/W/F 3-5 days serum, tissue (vesicles), vesicular fluid, vesicular swab, oral fluid

PCR - SVA VP1 = $50; Sequencing and Analysis = $100 ^A portion of the sequencing test is performed at the DNA facility which is not ISO/AAVLD accredited, but sequences are analyzed at the VDL

Slide preparation with existing block All Species Slide preparation Histopathology $5.50 as needed Per slide from existing paraffin block & return only
Slide preparation with interpretation All Species Slide preparation Histopathology $15.00 as needed

Per slide on cases with histopathologic interpretation at ISU VDL

Slide preparation without interpretation All Species Slide preparation Histopathology $20.00 as needed
Small Ruminant Abortion Panel - SRAP Caprine, Ovine PCR Molecular $65.00 $58.50 M, Th Same day Placenta, fetal tissues, stomach content This assay includes Toxoplasma gondii, Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter fetus, Coxiella burnetii, Chlamydia abortus and Caprine herpesvirus.
Special Projects - R&D^^ All Species ELISA, other Serology call as needed test dependent Serum, oral fluids, milk, colostrum Specimen, turn around time and price are project dependent. Contact Serology section leader for further information.
Standard Plate Count with ID All Species Bacterial quantification with ID of one organism Bacteriology $35.00 M-Th 1-7 days Swabs are not acceptable sample type; minimum of 1g of sample Fee is per sample. This test quantifies the total number of bacteria present by serial dilutions with identification of one organism. Results are reported in scientific notation. If more than ten samples are submitted, contact the laboratory in advance.
Streptococcus suis - S. suis Porcine Bacterial serotyping Bacteriology $20.00 M-F 1-2 days Serotyping is done via agglutination. Turn around time: 2-4 days if isolation required.
Streptococcus suis^^ Porcine PCR - General and mrp virulence associated gene Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M, Th next day isolate/culture , brain, fibrin, heart, joint fluid, lung
Sulfate/Sulfur All Species ICP-OES Analytical Chemistry Services $30.00 Th 1-3 days *water (100mL), *feed (100g) STAT fees may apply.
Theileria orientalis Bovine, Caprine, Equine, Ovine PCR Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M, Th next day Whole blood, spleen
Toxic Element Panel All Species ICP-OES Analytical Chemistry Services $35.00 Tu, Th 3-5 days *water (100mL), *feed (200g), *tissue (50g) Panel includes: Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium, Thallium, Zinc. This is NOT recommended for evaluating the nutritional status of an animal. Reference ranges are not species specific.
Toxoplasma gondii All Species ELISA Serology $25.00 $22.50 F same day serum
Toxoplasma gondii All Species IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed brain, muscle, placenta
Toxoplasma gondii Bovine, Caprine, Feline, Ovine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F Same day Placenta, fetal tissues, stomach content, brain, feces
Mineral Panel - Serum, Plasma, and Water All Species ICP-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $50.00 M, Tu, Th, F 1-3 days *serum/plasma (2mL), *water (100mL) Panel includes 10 minerals: Calcium, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Phosphorus, Selenium, Zinc.
Mineral Panel - Tissue and Feed All Species ICP-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $55.00 M, Tu, Th, F 1-3 days *feed (200g), *tissue (50g), liver biopsy (100mg) Panel includes 14 minerals: Calcium, Cadmium, Cobalt, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Sodium, Phosphorus, Selenium, Zinc. Liver biopsy samples should be refrigerated or frozen.
Transmissible gastroenteritis virus - TGEV Porcine ELISA Serology $8.00 $7.20 Th same day
Transmissible gastroenteritis virus - TGEV Porcine IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed intestine
Transmissible gastroenteritis virus - TGEV Porcine PCR Molecular $25.00 $22.50 M-F same day feces, fecal swab, intestine, environmental, oral fluid
Transmissible gastroenteritis virus - TGEV Porcine VN Virology $5.00 F following Wednesday serum
Transmissible gastroenteritis virus / Porcine respiratory coronavirus - TGEV/PRCV Porcine ELISA differential Serology $9.50 $8.55 Th same day serum
Trichomonas Bovine Bacterial culture Bacteriology $10.00 M-F 1 week trich pouch Samples should arrive at the laboratory on Monday-Friday during business hours within 24-48 hours of collection for test validity. Refrigerated or frozen samples are not suitable for culture and will be tested by PCR.
Tritrichomonas foetus Bovine, Feline PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F same day inoculated trich pouch (InPouch), preputial wash, feline-feces only


Urea All Species HPLC Analytical Chemistry Services $40.00 5-7 days *feed/fertilizer (100g), *water (100 mL) All specimens should be frozen and maintained frozen during shipping.
Ureaplasma Bovine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M, Th next day lung, placenta, vulvovaginal swab
Vesicular stomatitis - VS Bovine, Camelid, Caprine, Cervidae, Equine, Ovine, Porcine, Ungulates VN Virology $5.00 F following Monday serum Indiana or New Jersey Serotype (please specify) (Bison)
Virus growth All Species Virus propagation Virology $30.00 contact lab
Virus isolation shipping VI shipping Virology $50.00
Virus quantitation All Species Virus quantitation Virology $120.00 contact lab contact lab
Vitamin D - Serum All Species LC-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $40.00 M 1-3 days *serum (0.5mL) Test is for the 25 hydroxy form of Vitamin D3.
Vitamin D - Tissue and Feed^ All Species Referral laboratory Analytical Chemistry Services $300.00 7-10 days *feed (200g), liver (50g) Testing referred to accredited laboratory.
Vitamins A or E - Feed All Species HPLC Analytical Chemistry Services $100.00 Tu, F 3-5 days *corn-based feed, grain, mixed feed (200g) $100 per analyte. Can analyze feed samples for Vitamin A Acetate, A Palmitate, or E Acetate. Expected concentration required upon submission.
Vitamins A or E - Liver All Species HPLC Analytical Chemistry Services $32.00 Tu, F 3-5 days *liver (100g)
Vitamins A or E - Serum All Species HPLC Analytical Chemistry Services $25.00 Tu, F 3-5 days *serum (2mL)
Water Quality Panel All Species HPLC, ICP-OES, gravimetric Analytical Chemistry Services $40.00 Th 1-3 days *water (500mL)

For livestock suitability. Panel includes: Nitrate, Total Dissolved Solids, Sulfur, Coliform bacteria. Samples should be submitted in clean unused bottle. If submitting samples in a coliform bottle then an additional 400 mL of sample is needed in a separate clean bottle for the rest of the testing to be completed. Price is $25 for Water Q in Analytical Chemistry + $15 for coliforms in Bacteriology

West nile virus - WNV All Species IHC Histopathology $30.00 as needed brain
West nile virus - WNV Equine IgM ELISA Serology $45.00 $40.50 M next day serum
West nile virus - WNV Avian, Equine PCR Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M, Th next day brain, serum WNV PCR based on species: 1) Mosquitoes: mosquito pools 2) Birds: Serum and bird tissues 3) Horses: Preferable brain and spinal cord; Cerebrospinal fluid is acceptable
All Species RNAscope® Histopathology call Please call for pricing and availability.
Listeria monocytogenes & ivanovii All Species PCR - multiplex Molecular $35.00 $31.50 M, Th Next day brain, lung, placenta, liver
Bovine Influenza A virus - BoIAV Bovine PCR Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F Same day Milk, Bulk Tank Milk, Nasal Swab, and Serum
Bovine Influenza A virus - BoIAV Bovine PCR - H5 Molecular $20.00 $18.00 M-F Same day Milk
Avian Influenza virus - AIV Avian PCR - H7 Molecular $30.00 $27.00 M-F Same day cloacal swab, oropharyngeal swab, tissue samples
Bovine Coronavirus - BCoV Bovine ELISA Serology $12.00 $10.80 Wednesday same day Serum, plasma, milk
Micro Mineral Panel - Liver All species ICP-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $55.00 M, Tu, Th, F 1-3 days Liver (50g), liver biopsy (100mg) Panel includes: cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc. Samples should be refrigerated or frozen.
Tremorgen Panel (see Mass Spectrometry Toxicant Screen) All species GC-MS and LC-MS Analytical Chemistry Services $200.00 Tu 1-3 days GI content, feed (200g) Clients are encouraged to use the Mass Spectrometry Toxicant Screen when exposure to tremorgenic mycotoxins is the suspected cause of death. Please note that tremorgenic mycotoxins are a concern in the case history and contact the lab prior to sample submission.
Equine Herpesvirus type 1 - EHV1 Equine PCR Molecular $45.00 $40.50 M-F same day nasal swab, lung, brain, fetal tissues, buffy coat
Avian Infectious Laryngotracheitis virus - AvILTV^ Avian Genotyping Molecular $300.00 $270.00 as needed 3-5 business days Lung, Trachea, Oropharyngeal swab Cost: AvILTV PCR - $150.00, Sequencing and analysis - $150.00
Avian metapneumovirus subtype A/B/C^^ Avian PCR - R&D Molecular $40.00 $36.00 M-F same day oropharyngeal and tracheal swabs
Porcine circovirus type 2 & 3 - PCV2/3 Porcine PCR - Quantitative Molecular $50.00 $45.00 M-F same day serum, oral fluid, lung, lymph node, processing fluid
Influenza A virus - IAV Porcine Hemagglutination (HA) Virology $5.00 as needed 1 week virus isolate
Influenza A virus - IAV Canine, Equine, Feline, Porcine PCR - Screen Molecular $25.00 $22.50 M-F same day lung, nasal swab, BAL, bronchial swab, allantoic fluid, oropharyngeal swab, tracheal swab, oral fluids or udder wipe (porcine)

Appropriate swabs to use for influenza virus PCR are synthetic (Dacron or Rayon) tipped swabs on plastic shafts. Swabs should be placed in 1 ml of PBS in a falcon snap cap tube and the shaft broken low enough to allow the cap to be securely snapped tightly to avoid leakage. Do not send swabs in agar or gel-type media. Avoid using any calcium-alginate-tipped swabs or bleach. Also avoid cotton swabs with wooden shafts. Ship swabs overnight to the diagnostic laboratory. Acceptable swabs: Star Swab II, Copan swabs, other swabs are also available. Follow up IAV subtyping added on after initial testing will incur an additional fee.

Porcine endogenous retrovirus - PERV^^ Porcine PCR - R&D Molecular $75.00 $67.50 As needed 2-3 days whole blood
Porcine F18 E. coli susceptibility (FUT1 A/G) ^^ Porcine PCR - R&D Molecular $30.00 $27.00 As needed 2-3 days This targets the FUT1 gene in the porcine genome and differentiates the "A" and "G" single nucleotide polymorphism. An "AA" genotype provides resistance to E. coli strains carrying the F18 gene.