Graduate Program

Please first read the overview header on the left menu – Graduate Program. The Department of Veterinary Pathology offers MS and PhD degrees. Students seeking admission must apply to the Graduate College Admissions Office. An electronic application is required to apply to ISU’s graduate programs; the form and necessary instructions are available online.

Admission Criteria

For the ACVP training track (residency) of the anatomic or clinical pathology graduate program designed to train veterinary pathologists, the student must have a funded position within the Department of Veterinary Pathology.  If the student does not have a funded position or is not enrolled in the departmental degree program, enrollment in courses pertaining to the residency program and activities that support the residency program must have the approval of the Department Chair of Veterinary Pathology and the Residency Coordinator for the specific departmental residency training program.


The Department follows the general guidelines outlined by the Graduate College Application Instructions for TOEFL scores and transcripts. Submit these with your application to the Admissions Office as instructed by the Graduate College.

A teaching component is required to receive a degree from the Department.

Residency/graduate degree programs may be advertised at any time during the year depending on funding availability.  Please see the posted information request in the ad, but generally training positions require three letters of recommendation and a one-page personal statement which should be submitted as directed in the position advertisement.

Deadlines and Timelines

A residency/graduate degree program or a graduate position may become available anytime during the year.


  • Contact the Departmental Administrative Assistant for Graduate Education before any application is made.
    Krista Hibbs
    Dept: Veterinary Pathology
    Title: Administrative Assistant I
    Office: 515-294-4590
  • Access the Iowa State University Graduate College Admissions web site
  • Follow the Graduate College Application Instructions. Your application and transcripts must be submitted to the Graduate College Admissions Office. GRE scores are encouraged, but not required.
  • Submit a curriculum vitae or resume

If you have your own financial support, please bring that to our attention.

If you have questions, the admissions office can be contacted at (515) 294-0818 or