General Information on the MS Degree in Veterinary Pathology

  • Foreign language requirement determined by student’s program of study (POS) committee.
  • Graduate English Examination required by the Graduate College.
  • MS thesis requires 30 graduate credits.
  • MS nonthesis requires 40 graduate credits (10 credits from outside department).
  • MS nonthesis requires a minimum of 3 credits of Creative Component Research (VPTH 599).
  • PhD requires 72 graduate credits (12 credits from outside major field).

Course Requirements for the M.S. thesis or nonthesis

General Requirements:

Biological Sciences 3 Cr
BBMB 420, BBMB 404, BBMB 405, BBMB 411, MCDB 511, GDCB 520, GDCB 528, VMPM 575, VMPM 520

Statistics 4 Cr
STAT 401, STAT 402

Postmortem Pathology Lab 1 Cr
VPTH 551

Systemic Pathology 4 cr
*VPTH 570, VPTH 571

Seminar 1 Cr
VPTH 605

Diagnostic Interpretation R Cr
VPTH 606 (Corresponding to Specialization Area)

Additional Requirements by Area of Specialization**

(All courses are in the department of Veterinary Pathology, with the exception of TOX 501)

MS Thesis

Surgical Pathology Lab (550) 1 Cr
Pathology Case Seminar (604) 2 Cr

Vet Clinical Pathology
Pathology Case Seminar (604) 2 Cr
Clinical Pathology Lab (549) 2 Cr

Veterinary Toxicology
Principles of Toxicology (TOX 501) 3 Cr

Veterinary Parasitology
Diagnostic Parasitology Lab (548) 2 Cr
Veterinary Parasitology (576) 4 Cr

MS Non-Thesis

Surgical Pathology Lab (550) 1 Cr
Creative Component Research (599) 3 Cr
Pathology Case Seminar (604) 3 Cr

Veterinary Parasitology
Diagnostic Parasitology Lab (548) 5 Cr
Veterinary Parasitology (576)*** 4 Cr
Creative Component Research (599) 3 Cr
Pathogenesis of Persistent Infections (660) 2 Cr

*Requirements for VPTH 570 and VPTH 571 may be waived by the department chairperson for students with residency training or ACVP certification; test-out is also available on request.
**Credits are additional to those listed under general requirements.
***Not available for graduate credit to students who are dually enrolled in DVM and graduate programs.