Cheryl Auch

Assistant Professor
Veterinary Pathology
1790E Patterson
ISU Directory Link
Education & Certifications
- Master of Science; Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine; 2017
- Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Pathologists; 2017
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine; 2012
- Bachelor of Science; Auburn University; 2007
- Investing in Veterinary Educator Skills and Training; 2023
- Certificate for Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine; 2021
- Certificate in College/University Teaching; 2017
- VPTH 7425 – Clinical Pathology
- VPTH 7457 – Clinical Pathology Practicum
Research Focus & Interests
- Clinical Pathology
- Veterinary Education
Honors & Awards
- Young Achievers Award; Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine; 2022
- Teaching Excellence Award in Basic Sciences; Iowa State University Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association; 2020/2021
- American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP)
- American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ASVCP)
- Academy of Veterinary Educators (AVE)
Selected Publications
- Auch CL and Udomteerasuwat N. What’s your diagnosis? Circumferential small intestinal mass in a cat. Vet Clin Pathol. 2025; online; in press for May 2025 Clinical Diagnostics Special Issue
- Auch CL and Michael A. Cutaneous plasmacytoma with Mott cell differentiation in a dog. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2024; 36(4): 564-568.
- Auch CL and Vengrin CA. Defining learning communities in the veterinary medicine curriculum. 2023; Med Sci Educ. Online – December 27th.
- Auch CL. Erythrocytosis in Horses. In: Merck Veterinary Manual. 2023. Invited.
- Flatland B, Dehghanpir SD, Evans SJM, Freeman KP, Grimes C, Hancock T, Hollinger C, Hooijberg E, Korchia J, Lawson C, Matlow J, Sample S, Viall A. Guidelines for resident training in veterinary clinical pathology: domains, competencies, and suggested learning outcomes for teaching laboratory quality management in veterinary clinical pathology training programs. Vet Clin Pathol. 2023; ASVCP Special Report – online. 2024; 53(Suppl. 1): 7-23. doi: 10.1111/vcp.13208
- Reif-Stice CA, Smith-Frigerio S, Lawson CA, Venette S. Discerning the relationship between disclosure and responsiveness on depression, anxiety, and compassion fatigue among veterinarians. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2023; 261(4): 551-558. doi: 10.2460/javma.22.08.0359
- Lawson CA. What is your diagnosis? Aspirate from a Chinese Shar-Pei dog with multiple skin nodules. Vet Clin Pathol. 2021; 50(1): 92-94.
- Walton RM and Lawson CA. 2021. Equine Hematology. In: Walton RM, Cowell RL, and Valenciano AC. Equine Hematology, Cytology, and Clinical Chemistry (2nd Edition). Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN-13:978-1119500247.
- Lawson CA and Spangler EA. Effect of the addition of lactic acid to canine whole blood on platelet aggregation measured by impedance platelet aggregometry (Multiplate ®). 2020; Vet Clin Pathol. 49(2): 217-221.
- Lawson CA. What is your diagnosis? Endotracheal tube wash from a Labrador retriever. Vet Clin Pathol. 2020; 49(1): 156-157.