Jared A Danielson


Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Student Program Success and Innovation
Morrill Professor

Veterinary Pathology
2270F Patterson
ISU Directory Link

Education & Certifications

Ph.D. - 1999

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Major: Curriculum and Instruction -- Instructional Systems Development

Dissertation: The design, development and evaluation of a web-based tool for helping veterinary students learn how to classify clinical laboratory data.

M.S. - 1996

Syracuse University, Major: Instructional Design, Development, and Evaluation

B.A. - 1994

Brigham Young University, Major: English, Minors: Film, Music


VPTH 530: Teaching and Learning in Veterinary Medical Education (3 CR course intended for graduate students and residents. Discusses the design and evaluation of effective learning environments and settings, with examples drawn from Veterinary Medical Education.)

VCS 314: Veterinarian in Society IV (Communication/leadership) (1CR). I direct the PCAL communication lab that accompanies the course.

Research Focus & Interests

Assessment and Continuous Curricular Quality Improvement in Medical Sciences Education

Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Diagnostic Problem Solving

Medical Sciences Education Methods

Honors & Awards

Service Team of the Year Award, Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine. (Presented to the Office of Curricular and Student Assessment) - 2012

Honorary Inductee, Phi Zeta, Veterinary Honor Society - 2011

Outstanding Service Award – AECT Research and Theory Division – 2011

Nominee, HCI faculty of the year - 2011

Outstanding Presentation Finalist – International Association of Medical Science Educators annual meetings, 2007, 2008

ISU Wakonse Teaching Fellow, 2007

Miller Faculty Fellow, Iowa State University, 2003/04

Virginia Tech XCaliber Award for excellence in teaching with technology, 2002


Veterinary Educator Symposium

Planning Committee, 2012

Program Chair, 2014

International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE)

Program Committee, 2009-10

 Research and Theory Division, Association for Educational Communication and Technology

President-Elect, 2006-07

President, 2007-08

Immediate Past President, 2008-09


Association for Educational Communication & Technology

International Association of Medical Science Educators

American Evaluation Association

American Educational Research Association

Selected Publications

Danielson, J., Preast, V., Bender, H., and Hassall, L. (2014) Is the Effectiveness of Lecture Capture Related to Teaching Approach or Content Type? Computers & Education. 72:121-131

Reisbig, AMJ; Danielson, JA, Wu, T-F; Hafen Jr., M; Krienert, A; Girard, D and Garlock, J (2012). A study of depression and anxiety, general health, and academic performance in three cohorts of veterinary medical students across the first three semesters of veterinary school. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 39(4). 341-358.
Danielson, JA, Wu, T-F, Fales-Williams, A.J., Kirk, R.A., and Preast, VA (2012). Predictors of employer satisfaction: Technical and non-technical skills. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 39(1) 62-70.
Danielson, JA, Wu, T-F; Molgaard, LK, and Preast, VA (2011). Relationships among common measures of student performance and scores on the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 238(4) 454-461.
Bender, HS and Danielson, JA. (2011). A Novel Educational Tool for Teaching Diagnostic Reasoning and Laboratory Data Interpretation to Veterinary (and Medical) Students. Clinics in Laboratory Medicine. 31(1) 201-215.

Danielson JA, Fales-Williams AJ, Sorden SD, Myers RK, Bender HS, Mills EM. (2008). Peer Assessment of a Senior Year Capstone Experience for Formative Evaluation of a Pathology Curriculum. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 35(3) 466-474.

Preast, V.A., Danielson, J.A., Bender, H.S. and Bousson, M. (2007). Effectiveness of a computer-based tutorial for teaching how to make a blood smear. Veterinary Clinical Pathology 36(3) 245-252.

Amanda Fales-Williams, Jared Danielson, Ronald Myers, Steven Sorden, Holly Bender. (2007) The Case Correlation Assignment: Connecting Antemortem and Postmortem Data in the Senior Year at Iowa State University. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 34, 183-193.

Danielson J.A., Mills, E.M, Vermeer, P.J., Preast, V.A., Young, K.M., Christopher, M.M., George, J.W., Wood, D.R. and Bender, H.S. (2007). Characteristics of a Cognitive Tool that Helps Students Learn Diagnostic Problem Solving. Educational Technology Research and Development 55, 499-520.

Fales-Williams, A. Kramer, T. Heer, R. and Danielson, J. (2005) A Quiz Becomes a Multidirectional Dialogue with Web-based Instructional Tools. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 32(1) 144-149.

Danielson J. A., Bender, H.S., Vermeer, P.J., Mills, E.M., & Lockee, B.B. (2003) A Tool for Helping Veterinary Students Learn Diagnostic Problem Solving. Educational Technology Research and Development 51(3), 63-81.