Joan Howard
VMD, Diplomate ABVP
Clinical Professor
Veterinary Clinical Sciences
1832 Vet Med
ISU Directory Link
Education & Certifications
Diplomate, American Board of Veterinary Practitioners
VMD, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, 1989
VCS 464 Equine Ambulatory Fourth Year Rotation
VCS 481X Equine Dentistry Fourth Year Rotation
Research Focus & Interests
Specialty: Equine practice
Special Interests: equine ambulatory care, equine dentistry, equine welfare, outreach programs including the Crow Creek Tribal Reservation Veterinary Service Outreach Program, and local horse owner and youth education programs
Crow Creek Tribal Reservation Veterinary Service Outreach Program
Participation in horse owner education programs:
Master Equine Manager Program
Story County 4-H Horse Project
American Association of Equine Practitioners
Iowa Veterinary Medical Association