Steve Carlson


Associate Professor
Biomedical Sciences
2028 Patterson
ISU Directory Link

Education & Certifications
  • BS, Animal Science, 1986, Iowa State University
  • DVM, Veterinary Medicine, 1990, Iowa State University
  • PhD, Pharmacology, 1997, University of Iowa
  • Postdoctoral training: Microbiology, 1998, University of Iowa

  • 2007-present                       BMS 354 Drug Metabolism, Pharmacogenomics, NSAIDS, Anti-coagulants,Autacoids, and Antihistamines (7 lectures)

  • 2007-present                       BMS 443 Antibacterials, Antifungals, Antivirals, Nutraceuticals, Adverse Drug Reactions, Respiratory Pharmacology, and Drug-Drug Interactions (14 lectures)

  • 2008-present                       VMPM 386 Salmonella (1 lecture)

  • 2012-present                       BMS688 Research Review (16 lectures)

  • 2013-present                       BMS 538 Muscle and Reproductive Physiology (5 lectures)

  • 2014-present                       BMS 334 Reproductive Physiology (8 lectures)

  • 2009-2013                          BMS 353 Receptors and Disease, Molecular Medicine, and Molecular Diagnostics (8 lectures)

  • 2009-2012                          BMS 335 Genetics, Gene Expression, Cytoskeleton, and Glycocalyx (4 lectures)

  • 2009-2011                          VMPM 537 Salmonella (1 lecture)
Research Focus & Interests

Investigations of the molecular pharmacologic aspects of the relationships between receptors, antibiotics, antibiotic resistance, and the virulence of bacterial enteropathogens such as Salmonella.

Honors & Awards
  • SCAVMA Basic Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award Winner 2016

  • SCAVMA Basic Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award Winner 2010

  • Zoetis Distinguished Teaching Award Winner 2016
  1. American Association for the Advancement of Science
  2. American Society for Microbiology
Selected Publications

Peer Reviewd: 20 selected publications out of over 100. 

  1. Carlson, S. A., Chatterjee, T. K. and Fisher, R. A.  Lack of constitutive activation or inactivation of the platelet‑activating factor receptor by glutamate substitution of alanine 230.  Recept.  Sign. Transd.  6:111‑120.  1996.
  2. Carlson, S. A., Chatterjee, T.K. and Fisher, R.A.  The third intracellular domain of the platelet‑activating factor receptor is a critical determinant in receptor coupling to phosphoinositide phospholipase C‑activating G proteins:  Studies using intracellular domain minigenes and receptor chimeras.  J. Biol. Chem.  271 (38):23146‑53.  1996.
  3. Carlson, S. A.  Identification of molecular determinants of platelet‑activating factor receptor coupling to phosphoinositide phospholipase C‑activating G proteins.  University of Iowa.  270 pp.  1997.  (Thesis)
  4. Carlson, S. A., Chatterjee, T. K., Murphy, K. P. and Fisher, R. A.  Mutation of a putative amphipathic alpha‑ helix in the third intracellular domain of the platelet‑activating factor receptor disrupts receptor/G protein coupling and signaling.  Mol. Pharmacol.  53:451‑458.  1998.
  5. Carlson, S. A. and Jones, B. D.  Inhibition of Salmonella typhimurium invasion by host cell expression of secreted bacterial invasion proteins.  Infect. Immun.  66 (11):5295‑5300.  1998.
  6. Carlson, S. A., Bolton, L. F., Briggs, C. E., Hurd, H. S., Sharma, V. K., Fedorka‑Cray, P. J. and Jones, B. D.  Detection of multiresistant Salmonella typhimurium DT104 using multiplex and fluorogenic PCR.  Mol. Cell. Probes  13 (3):213‑22.  1999.
  7. Carlson, S. A., Browning, M., Ferris, K. E. and Jones, B. D.  Identification of diminished tissue culture invasiveness among multiple antibiotic resistant Salmonella typhimurium DT104.  Microb. Pathog.  28 (1):37‑44.  2000.
  8. Carlson, S. A. and Ferris, K. E.  Augmentation of antibiotic resistance in Salmonella typhimurium DT104 following exposure to penicillin derivatives.  Vet. Microbiol.  73 (1):25‑35.  2000.
  9. Carlson, S. A., Willson, R.M., Crane, A.J. and Ferris, K.E.  Evaluation of invasion‑conferring genotypes and antibiotic‑induced hyperinvasive phenotypes in multiple antibiotic resistant Salmonella typhimurium DT104.  Microb. Pathog.  28 (6):373‑378.  2000.
  10. Sharma, V. K. and Carlson, S. A.  Simultaneous detection of Salmonella strains and Escherichia coli O157:H7 with fluorogenic PCR and single‑enrichment‑broth culture.  Appl. Environ. Microbiol.  66 (12):5472‑5476.  2000.
  11. Frana, T. S. and Carlson, S. A.  Development and use of a plasmid encoding green fluorescent protein in multiple antibiotic‑resistant Salmonella.  Biotechniques.  30 (1):28‑32.  2001.
  12. Frana, T. S., Carlson, S. A. and Griffith, R. W.  Relative distribution and conservation of genes encoding aminoglycoside‑modifying enzymes in Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium phage type DT104.  Appl. Environ. Microbiol.  67 (1):445‑448.  2001.
  13. Carlson, S. A., et al.  Antibiotic resistance in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium exposed to microcin‑producing Escherichia coli.  Appl. Environ. Microbiol.  67 (8):3763‑3766.  2001.
  14. Carlson, S. A., et al.  Secretion of a putative cytotoxin in multiple antibiotic resistant Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium phagetype DT104.  Microb. Pathog.  31 (4):201‑204.  2001.
  15. Carlson, S. A., Omary, M.B. and Jones, B.D.  Identification of cytokeratins as accessory mediators of Salmonella entry into eukaryotic cells.  Life Sci.  70 (12):1415‑1426.  2002.
  16. Carlson, S. A., et al.  Abomasitis associated with multiple antibiotic resistant Salmonella enterica seroptype Typhimurium phagetype DT104.  Vet. Microbiol.  85 (3):233‑240.  2002.
  17. Wu, M. T., Carlson, S. A. and Meyerholz, D. K.  Cytopathic effects observed upon expression of a repressed collagenase gene present in Salmonella and related pathogens:  mimicry of a cytotoxin from multiple antibiotic‑resistant Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium phagetype DT104.   Microb. Pathog.  32:1‑9. 2002.
  18. Carlson, S.A., Casey, T.A., Wu, M.T., et al. A high‑throughput genetic system for assessing the inhibition of proteins:  identification of antibiotic resistance and virulence targets and their cognate inhibitors in Salmonella.  Analyt. Biochem.  310 (1):72‑83.  2002.
  19. Meyerholz, D. K., Stabel, T. J., Ackermann, M. R., Carlson, S. A., Jones, B. D. and Pohlenz, J.  Early epithelial invasion by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 in the swine ileum. Vet. Pathol. 39:712‑20.  2002.
  20. Carlson, S. A., Wu, M. T. and Frana, T. S.  Multiple antibiotic resistance and virulence of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium phagetype DT104.  In: Current Topics in Food Safety in Animal Agriculture, Isaacson, R. E. and Torrence, M. E. (eds.).  ISU Press, Ames, IA., pgs. 123-29.

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