Giovani Trevisan


Assistant Professor
Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
Vet Diagnostic & Production Animal Medicine
1573 Lloyd
ISU Directory Link

Education & Certifications

Doctor of Philosophy, Population Sciences in Animal Health, Iowa State University, 2020

MBA, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil, 2013

Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine (DVM equivalent), Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2009


VDPAM 428/528 Principles of Epidemiology (co-instructor with Dr. Gustavo Silva)

VDPAM 560X Ecology of Infectious Diseases (invited lecturer)

Research Focus & Interests
Epidemiological tools and concepts for early detection of emerging or re-emerging animal health threats and generation of epidemiological information to support producers and veterinarians in making informed decisions for disease surveillance, monitoring, prevention, and control.
Applied inter and intra-veterinary diagnostic database handling and connectivity concepts to collate, analyze, model, and interpret diagnostic data for epidemiological usage and applications.
Initiatives to support and implement animal health preparedness programs, such as the US Swine Health Improvement Plan.
Usage of next-generation sequencing assembled outputs for farm or production-system-specific PRRSV epidemiological investigations
Honors & Awards

2020 Graduate Student/Post Doc of the Year, Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine

2019 Scientific Session Best Oral Presentation Award, 2019 AAVLD/USAHA Annual Meeting


American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians/United States Animal Health Association co-chair joint Committee Animal Health Surveillance & Information Systems 

Serving the US Swine Health Improvement Plan (US SHIP) in the role of Veterinary Diagnostic and Epidemiologic Information Management (2020 – Present): Provide support to the establishment of the US SHIP animal health program and has additional an emphasis on supporting the implementation of the US SHIP traceability and US SHIP Site Status Verification Database.

Research Assistant Professor serving on the Epidemiology & Research Submission as Section Leader (2022 – Present): Provide leadership, direction, and management for the ISU VDL.


American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians
American Association of Swine Veterinarians

Selected Publications


Google Scholar

Trevisan G, Johnson C, Benjamin N, Bradner L, Linhares DCL. Description of changes of key performance indicators and PRRSV shedding over time in a naïve breeding herd following a PRRS MLV exposure. 2021; Transboundary and Emerging Disease, 00, 01-06.

Trevisan G, Sharma, A, Gauger, P, Harmon KM, Zhang J, Main RG, Zeller M, Linhares LCM, Linhares DCL. PRRSV-2 genetic diversity defined by RFLP patterns in the United States from 2007-2019. 2021; J Vet Diagn Invest, 10406387211027221.

Trevisan G, Li G, Moura CAA, Coleman K, Thomas P, Zhang J, Gauger P, Zeller M, Linhares, DCL, Complete Coding Genome Sequence of a Novel Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus 2 Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism 1-4-4 Lineage 1C Variant Identified in Iowa, USA. 2021; Microbiol Resour Announc 10, e0044821. 10.1128/MRA.00448-21

Trevisan G, Linhares LCM, Schwartz KJ, Burrough ER, Magalhaes, ES, Crim B, Dubey P, Main RG, Gauger P, Thurn M, Lages PTF, Corzo CA, Torrison J, Henningson J, Herrman E, McGaughey R, Cino G, Clement T, Greseth J, Christopher-Hennings J, Linhares DCL. Data standardization implementation and applications within and among diagnostic laboratories: integrating and monitoring enteric coronaviruses. 2021; J Vet Diagn Invest.

Trevisan G, Robbins RC, Angulo J, Dufresne L, Lopez WA, Macedo N, Linhares, DCL. Relationship between weekly PRRSV exposure in breeding herds and subsequent viral shedding and mortality in the nursery; J Swine Health Prod. 2020; 28(5):244-253. 

Trevisan G, Linhares LCM, Crim B, Dubey P, Schwartz K J, Burrough ER, Wang C, Main RG, Sundberg P, Thurn M, Lages PTF, Corzo CA, Torrison J, Henningson J, Herrman E, Hanzlicek GA, Raghavan R, Marthaler D, Greseth J, Clement T, Christopher-Hennings J, Muscatello D, Linhares DCL. Prediction of seasonal patterns of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus RNA detection in the U.S. swine industry. 2020; J Vet Diagn Invest. Image used as JVDI printed magazine cover page

Trevisan G, Linhares LCM, Crim B, Dubey P, Schwartz KJ, Burrough ER, Main RG, Sundberg P, Thurn M, Lages PTF, Corzo CA, Torrison J, Henningson J, Herrman E, Hanzlicek GA, Raghavan R, Marthaler D, Greseth J, Clement T, Christopher-Hennings J, Linhares DCL. Macroepidemiological aspects of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus detection by major United States veterinary diagnostic laboratories over time, age group, and specimen. PLoS One. 2019;14(10):e0223544. Among the top 10% most cited PLOS ONE papers published in 2019.

Trevisan G, Jablonski E, Angulo J, Lopez WA, Linhares DCL. Use of processing fluid samples for longitudinal  monitoring of PRRS virus in herds undergoing virus elimination. Porcine Health Manag. 2019;5:18. Epub

Trevisan G, Magstadt D, Woods A, Sparks J, Zeller M, Li G, Krueger KM, Saxena A, Zhang J, Gauger PC. A recombinant porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus type 2 field strain derived from two PRRSV-2-modified live virus vaccines. 2023. Front Vet. Sci. 10:1149293.

Trevisan G, Zeller M, Li G, Zhang J, Gauger P, Linhares DCL. Implementing a user-friendly format to analyze 1 PRRSV next-generation sequencing results and associating breeding herd production performance with number of PRRSV strains and recombination events. 2022, Transboundary and Emerging Disease, 1-16.