The Equine Theriogenology Service offers comprehensive reproductive care for both mares and stallions. The Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center can house mares and stallions for routine breeding management, foaling management, and the collection and shipment or freezing of semen. We additionally are certified and able to facilitate export of frozen semen and embryos overseas to multiple countries including Canada, Mexico, Australia, Great Britain, and members of the European Union, amongst others. The Theriogenology Service has state of the art equipment and cyrolaboratory to facilitate all patient needs.
- Fertility Evaluation
- Semen collection for evaluation and cooled shipments (outpatient and standing stallions)
- Semen cryopreservation for both domestic and international use (outpatient and standing stallions)
- Alternative collection methods: collection off jump mares, ground collection, and pharmacologically-induced collection
- Evaluation of and management of penile injuries
- 24/7 Emergency Services
- Fertility evaluation
- Routine breeding management with fresh, shipped cooled, and frozen semen
- Pregnancy diagnosis and monitoring throughout gestation
- Fetal gender determination
- Diagnosis and reduction of equine twins
- Diagnosis and treatment of uterine and ovarian pathology
- Evaluation and monitoring of high-risk pregnancies, complications during foaling, and the immediate postpartum period
- Foaling management of both normal and high-risk pregnancies
- Embryo collection for shipment or direct transfer to recipient mares
- Endoscopy with laser-surgery capabilities
- Collection and shipment of oocytes postmortem for ICSI fertilization
- 24/7 Emergency Services
Contact Information
If you are interested in scheduling an appointment, or consultation, please contact us through Large Animal Hospital at 515-294-1500.

Hospital Address
1809 S. Riverside Drive
Ames, IA 50011
Semen Shipment Address
ATTN: ISU Theriogenology Service
1452 Vet Med
1800 Christensen Drive
Ames IA 50011