Download an easy-to-use Clinical Pathology Submission Form (For Veterinarian Use Only).

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This submission form may be completed on your computer and then printed. Just type information in the desired field (tab or mouse click between fields). OR, you may print the blank form and hand write the relevant data

Send specimens and submission form to:

Iowa State University
College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Veterinary Pathology
1800 Christensen Drive
Ames, IA 50011-1134

Specimens sent via mail or other carrier are required by law to be in a leak proof container, placed in a sealed bag with absorbent material suitable for absorbing a leak, and surrounded by a hard container (cardboard box) to protect it from impact. The visible part of the mailing container must include the destination and return address. The shipper has the responsibility to package these specimens in the manner described.

ATTENTION: USPS updated their STAMPED MAIL policy on October 1, 2019. Any packages >10oz and >1/2in. thickness cannot be mailed with regular stamps. Postage Meters, PC Postage, & mailing from the post office is OK. All others will be returned to sender as NOT DELIVERABLE.