Summer Scholar Erica Moscoso
Dr. Belen Hernandez
Dr. Claire Andreasen and Dr. Amanda Fales-Williams
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Department of Veterinary Pathology Diagnostic Services

The Department of Veterinary Pathology Labs provides high quality diagnostic service to veterinarians in Iowa and throughout the Midwest. Packages may be delivered through the postage service or by dropping samples off at our lab in Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine campus.

Graduate Programs

The Department of Veterinary Pathology offers graduate courses and training programs that lead to either an MS or a PhD for individuals who have already earned a DVM or equivalent degree.

To learn more visit VPTH Graduate Programs.

Contact Us

Department of Veterinary Pathology
2764 Vet Med
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa  50011-1134

Phone: 515-294-3658
Fax: 515-294-7730