Current departmental research includes work in disease prevention and immunology in both humans and animals. Our labs work to target human infections in many parts of the body, including the respiratory and digestive systems. We also study infections at the cellular level, such as the relationships between bacteria, receptors, and antibiotics. Parasitology researchers focus on nematodes, particularly parasitic worms that cause disease in humans in the developing world and in animals. They study the neuromuscular systems of the worms and receptors and ion channels in an effort to identify molecular targets for anti-parasitic drugs.
Josh Beck, PhD
Steve Carlson, DVM, PhD
Michael Cho, PhD
Timothy A Day, PhD
Michael John Kimber, PhD
Sudhir Kumar, PhD
Greg Martin, PhD
Richard J Martin, BVSc, PhD, DSc, Dip ECVPT, MRCVS
Alan P Robertson, PhD
Eric W Rowe, DVM, PhD