Did You Know?
A guide to governance in the College of Veterinary Medicine
What is the College Caucus?
The College Caucus consists of the departmental and at-large Faculty Senate members from the College of Veterinary Medicine. The Caucus serves the interests of the general faculty through the University Faculty Senate.
How is that different than the Governance Council?
The Governance Council serves the interests of the general faculty within CVM in its relations with the administration of the college. The council is composed of 1 elected member from each academic department and two CVM staff members (1 merit employee and 1 P&S) appointed by the dean.
What is the College Governance Document?
The College of Veterinary Medicine’s (CVM) Governance Document defines the procedures used in fulfilling the missions of the college.
What does the Governance Council do?
The Governance Council reviews the current CVM Governance Document and recommends changes to the CVM dean. In addition, the Council facilitates the voting process for the CVM. The Council also organizes and reviews evaluations of the dean at the request of the provost.
How is the College Governance Document modified?
Any item considered as requiring a vote by CVM faculty will be introduced and explained at a College faculty meeting. The item is discussed and supporting documents regarding the proposal are distributed to all voting faculty by email or on a designated website.
The item is automatically placed on the next regularly scheduled CVM faculty meeting agenda where further discussion is held. If a quorum of the voting faculty (50% of the voting faculty) is present at this meeting, a vote can be held. If a quorum is not present, a motion can be considered for an electronic vote. The Council tallies ballots from CVM faculty meetings.
Who is eligible to be a voting faculty member? A CVM voting faculty member is a tenured or tenure-track faculty member or non-tenure track faculty with clinical track or lecturer appointments. Individuals with joint faculty appointments with another ISU college must have greater than 50% of their appointment in CVM.
CVM Governance
Derald Holtkamp, VDPAM, chair
Ron Griffith, VMPM
Eric Cassmann, VPTH
Jim Noxon, VCS
Eric Rowe, BMS
Bill Robertson, P&S
Lisa Kalamaja, Merit
CVM Faculty Senators
Tim Day*, BMS, CVM Caucus Chair (May 2025)
Rodney Bagley, VCS (May 2026)
Derald Holtkamp, VDPAM (May 2026)
Radford Davis*, VMPM (May 2024)
Karl Bolser*, at-large (May 2026)
Michael Cho, at-large (May 2025)
Grant Dewell*, at-large (May 2026)
(*Senators elected to a second three-year term)