The following links provide selection of tools and information, i.e. research policy, University Resources, and training materials to assist with faculty, researchers, and students, in preparing and submitting their proposals.
University Resources
- Grants Hub
- Office of Research Ethics
- Office of Innovation Commercialization
- Office of Sponsored Program Administration (OSPA)
- Office of Sponsored program Accounting (SPA)
- 2025 Federal Funding Guidance (updated: February 27, 2025)
Federal Agency Resources
According to “CHIPS and Science Act of 2022”, Research Security Training is required for “covered individual" (e.g. PIs, Co-PIs, Key/senior research personnel, postdoctoral researchers/Graduate students if their contribution to the research are substantial) working on federal research projects, starting May 1, 2025. You must complete this training before submitting your application, which can be done via WORKDAY
- Research Security Training in Workday (Coming Soon)
NIH (National Institute of Health)
- NIH Application Guide (Starting Jan 25,2025, referring to SF424 (R&R)- Version I)
- Common Forms for Bioskech and Current and Pending (Starting May 25, 2025)
- Starting May 25,2025, NIH is adopting the Biographical Sketch Common Form and the Current and Pending (Other) Support Common Form. Use SciENcv to complete Common Forms.
- Users can link their SciENcv accounts to their ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), NSF, or NIH eRA Commons accounts to populate with information on affiliations, grants, and publications.
- SciENcv Tutorial
- SciENcv help manual with step-by-step instructions
- ORCID for Researchers
- Register for ORCID iD
- Link ORCID iD to eRA Commons: Starting May 25,2025, NIH requires ORCID iD must be linked to eRA Commons account for all senior and key personnel.
- Video Tutorial about how to link it
- Training materials for SciENcv (Coming Soon)
- NIH Cover Letter instruction
- USDA NIFA Application Guide (January 2025)
- USDA Registration_ USDA ezFedGrants and NRS (NIFA Reporting System) are using to e-Authorization, register here:
- Application Support Templates
NSF (National Science Foundation)
- Registration: NSF requires users to self-register for access to (NSF’s Proposal and Award Portal) and then request an affiliation with Iowa State University.
- Documents required for Senior Personnel
- NSF Data Management and Sharing Plan
- NSF Mentoring Plan
- Find Funding Opportunity
- ISU costing Policy
- Asset Tracking and Lookup System
- Equipment list and applications (Core lab) (Coming soon)