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Name of Alumnus
Grad Year
Hans Coetzee code (2005)
Ashley Hoogland (2014)
Robert Freese (1987)
Marisa Rotolo (2014)
Paul Plummer (2009)
Duitscher Family (1963, 1996, 2023)
Sarah Balik (2015)
Trina Krumm (2020)
Michael Wolfe (2024)
Sheldon Yoder (1977)
Katelyn Gregory & Allysa Koethe (2022, 2020)
Grant Jacobson (1997)
Linda Elliott (1978)
Darin Madson (2009)
Winthrop Vet Clinic ()
Jillian Fisher (2024)
Rebecca Kagan (2004)
Jim West (1971)
Bryan Buss (1989)
Larry Sadler (2013)
Rural Iowa Veterinary Loan Repayment Program (2022, 2023)
Barb Petersen Drew Magstadt (2009, 2011)
Madison Durflinger (2023)
Paul Yeske (1985)
Warren VerPloeg (1953)
Rodger Main (1996)
Arthur Lemley (1964)
Aaron Colwell (2020)
Alana McNutt Prickett & John Prickett (2011, 2014)
Elizabeth Devine (2008)
Shawn Nicholson-Podcast (1998)
Allison Flinn (2014)
Dave Mills (1981)
Drew Gall (2015)
Jamie Stoll (2012)
Eric Jensen and Abby McClain (1990, 2016)
Sarah Davis-Prey (2001)
Brady and Ashley Dierks (2021)
Fred Sick 2023 Vet of Year (1974)
Melissa Garcia Rodriguez (2023)
Gary Marty (1987)
Shawn Johnson (1996)
Emily Snyder (2011)
Curt Cavanaugh (1988)
Riordan Family (1978, 1981, 1990)
Meredith Johns (2010)
Craig Harms (1979)
Merlin Van Zee (2003)
Kenneth Harkin (1989)
Fabian Kausche (1989)
Jennifer Schleining (2001)
Dick Moeller (1969)
Dianne Beal (2010)
Timothy Sullivan (1990)
Barbara Lee (1982)
Sara Bell (2016)
Lisa Kull Uhl (2018)
Corey Miciunas (2022)
Dustin Loy (2009)
Blaine Johnson (2016)
Elizabeth Wagstrom (1999)
Suzanna Vaino (2003)
Jim Roth-Transitioning-Career (1975)
Jim McMillan (1993)
Howard Hill (1974)
Matthew Sternberg (1999)
Anna Ouverson (1976)
Aubrey Cordray - Humboldt Veterinary Clinic (2014)
Amy Baker (2022)
Hayley Danson (2010)
David Gibbs (2010)
Amanda Kress (2010)
Eric Knock (2007)
Ann Garvey (2002)
Dan Taylor (2010)
Hayley Springer (2010)
Katharine Polak-Hurricane (2010)
Erin Christ (2017)
Sandi Hayek (2010)
Karen Shaw Becker (1997)
Steve and Shelly Wickham (1987, 1988)
Candace Carter - Experience (1992)
Fred Sick-Honor Flight (1974)
Megan Schroeder (2021)
Gary Connell (1973)
Chris Chase (1980)
Rich Caves (2010)
Bill and Norma Headlee (1978)
Nishi O'Dell Giefer (1997)
Elizabeth Farrington (2011)
Heather Osnes (2010)
Christine Hedrick (2001)
Brian Brennan (1990)
Allison Kiser (2010)
Craig Harms (1989)
Eric Behlke (2010)
Nena Winand (1986)
Logan McQuillen (2022)
Jack Root (1978)
Tracy Hadenfeldt (2010)
Samantha Brace (2013)
Douglas Carlson (1971)
Dawn Gallagher Tulson (2006)
Kenny Moellers (1975)
Jake Johnson (2016)
Kelly Wathen Keymer (2010)
Pam Dinslage (2010)
Lisa Whalen (2014)
Ashley Whiteside (2019)
Laurie Meythaler-Mullins-Running (2008)
Dustin Oedekoven-Pork-Board (2002)
Sheldon Veterinarians (1902)
Zach Adams (2021)
Adam Hansen (2010)
Lesha (Eggers) Dawson ()
Kevin Shimel (1996)
Alana McNutt (2011)
Bob Freese (1987)
Jeanne Budgin (1999)
Lauren Hughes (2016)
Dennis Hughes (1982)
Kristen Hill-Thimmesch (2017)
John Conley (1955)
Larry Celmer (1961)
Ryan Anderson (2019)
Joel Leininger (1972)
Katherine Polak (2010)
Richard Hill (1990)
Brian Vander Ley (2008)
Cara Haden (2014)
Dennis Griffin (1976)
Elizabeth Harriman Hill (2010)
Shawn Nicholson (1998)
Paul Snyder (1985)
Dustin Loy (2009)
Molly Lee (2014)
Neil Sinha (2017)
Laura Kellow (2019)
Mark Johnson (2017)
Marty Greer & Dan Griffiths (1981)
Robert Bogan (1971)
Ethan Andress (1997)
David Fell (1970)
Dawn Sprouls (1995)
Jeffrey Wilcke (1978)
Travis Hawkins (2008)
Roger Cooper (1970)
Gary Borkowski (1987)
Shannon Tucker (1996)
Tara Grinnage-Pulley (2009, 2013)
Steven Hansen (1985)
Glenda Van Wyk (2006)
Chris Sievers - Award (2016)
Lainie Scholtz (2017)
Robin Mundt (2007)
Gene Fjeld & Ceara Mullins (1981, 2018)
Aubrey Cordray (2014)
Laurie Meythaler-Mullins-Alaska (2008)
Pollock, Hinders, Jass (1985, 1987, 2012)
Dominic Gentile (2021)
Norman Cheville-Pioneer Science (1959)
John Bengfort (1976)
Dustin Oedekoven (2002)
Alan Farnsworth (1978)
Aaron Colwell (2020)
Khristian Becker (1997)
Mike Roof (1991)
Scott Radke (2016)
Jessie Juarez (2014)
Meghan Fick (2013)
Jeff Husa (1993)
Lester Fisher (1943)
Stephanie Bacon (2020)
Doug Quam (1989)
Larry Tilley (1969)
Paul Yeske (1985)
Kevin Christman (2011)
Fred Sick (1974)
Jenna Funk (2015)
Michael McClenahan & Scott Weinman (1997, 1996)
Chelsea Ruston (2018)
Christy FIelds (2004)
Sarah Davis (2001)
Polly Murphy (1989)
Stephanie Thomovsky (2005)
Giovani Trevisan (2020)
Stacy Thacker Anderson (2004)
Kristen Obbink (2011)
Jill Wagner (2003)
Katie Merkes (2013)
Troy Brick (2002)
Chris Sievers (2016)
Danelle Bickett-Weddle (1999)
William Frevert (1960)
Michele Kroom (2006)
Bruce Stewart-Brown (1985)
Tamara Hancock (2011)
Lisa Uhl (2018)
Mark Ackermann (1986)
Kristin Kohmetscher (2018)
Daniel Thomson (2000)
Nicole Hendricks & Troy Worth (2010)
Christine Mainquist-Whigham (2016)
Cody Sacquitne (2019)
Ashley Wegmann (2018)
Sharon Otto-Tafelmeyer (1988)
Ken Throlson (1969)
Janessa Butterfield (2008)
Barbara Roland (1986)
Daryl Olsen (1982)
Ken and Gerry Schumann (1965, 1967)
Laurie Meythaler-Mullins (2008)
Erik Laumann (2006)
Louise Beyea (1989)
Heather Loenser (2003)
Bringing Comfort (2019)
Sherry Johnson (2012)
Amanda Jondle (2017)
Everette Linn (1950)
E'Lise Christensen (2002)
Daniel Edge (2003)
Carol Meteyer (1983)
Inbal Lavotshkin (2011)
Jeff Wells (1988)
Josh Zacharias (2003)
Dan Bergerud (1981)
Cathy Lindstrand (1992)
Gene Hoy (1969)
Joel Jess (1986)
Ann Sampson (1992)
Honored in South Dakota (1978, 1979, 2014)
Craig Achen (2000)
Brianna Watkins Teel (2019)
Stephanie Deneke (2005)
Roger Mahr (1971)
Mitch Hiscocks (1989)
Grant Jacobson-IndependentVet (1997)
Zadok Ruben (1972)
Laura Molgaard (1991)
Leslie Reed (2009)
Candace Carter (1992)
Katie Rumsey (2005)
Wayne Freese (1971)
Cathleen Mochal-King (2005)
Joseph Bender (2010)
Tom Burkgren (1980)
Dustin Loy (2009)
AASV Honors (2019)
Tiffany Hoaglund (2017)
Ross Rekemeyer (1967)
Corinn Brockman Hardy (2006)
Janice Fenichel (1988)
William Horne (1981)
Rex Wilhelm (1968)
Brian Vander Ley (2008)
Sophi Franck (1999)
Abbey Cannon (2011)
Jeff Kaisand (1993)
Pat Gorden (1993)
Kristin Kohmetscher (2018)
James Else (1984)
Douglas Armstrong (1980)
SVIP Mentors (2011)
Becky Lozada-Miranda (2018)
Robyn Stuck (2006)
Monique Pairis-Garcia (2011)
Justin Rosenberg (2013)
Charles Troup (1968)
Cassie Klostermann (2017)
Grant Jacobson (1997)
Heather Sanchez Schneider (2011)
Eric Behlke (2010)
IVMA Award Recipients (1990, 2011, 1960)
Donald Brainard (1985)
Lee Allenstein (1950)
Jessi Turner (2011)
Andy Claude (1992)
South Dakota Veterinary Medical Association (2007, 1997, 2011, 2015)
Erica Koller (2007)
State Fair (1973, 1993, 1967, 1979, 1982, 1980)
Neil Dyer (1991)
Sara Hamlett & Chelsea Ruston (2018)
Ryan Royer (2002)
Robert Billiar (1958)
Allison Masters (2018)
Bob Bashara (1963)
Paul Anderson (1975)
Robert Pierson (1943)
John Stevenson (1973)
Mary Lois Calhoun (1939)
Dan Thomson (2000)
Russ Daly (1990)
Charles Lemme (1975)
Wendell Kopp (1943)
Ben and Erica Schmidt (2014, 2016)
Mary Battrell and Elizabeth Wagstrom (1995, 1999)
Richard Carmichael (1955)
John Melcher (1950)
Steve Dullard (1986)
David Schmitt (1973)
Chad Smith (2000)
Shamus Brown (2013)
Scott Radke (2016)
Roy Schultz (1960)
Richard Stribe (1974)
Frederick Douglass Patterson (1927)
Michelle Dockter Bessire (2007)
John Fawcett (1978)
Morgan McArthur (1983)
Wayne Danker (1952)
Clifford Shipley (1982)
Philip Miller (1975)
Larry Carpenter, William Headlee, Norma Headlee, Eric Knock (1982, 1978, 2007)
Laurie Meythaler-Mullins (2008)
Melvin Hofstad (1940)
Lonna (Halvorson) Nielsen (1988)
Kenton Kreager (1979)
Tyler Dohlman (2010)
Chuck Holz (1976)
Adam Christman (2004)
Kelley Donham (1971)
Darwin Reicks (1994)
Robert Culver (1983)
Community Outreach ()
Carly Kanipe (2016)
Alan Doster (1975)
Hans Coetzee (2005)
Deborah Strauss (1998)
Earl and Stee Maxwell (1949)
Ward Richter (1955)
Ashley Greenway (2009)
Craig Harms (1989)