Several support services and programs are offered to enhance the personal and professional development of veterinary students. Students may make appointments to see the counselors, staff, or associate dean on a walk-in basis.

Dr. Jared Danielson, Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Student Program Success and Innovation, is located in Room 2270F. Dr. Danielson provides administrative leadership, oversight, and coordination of academic and instructional programs, academic information technology, educational outreach/distance education, and global learning opportunities. These areas include admission of veterinary students, advising veterinary students, curriculum development and implementation, academic standards, veterinary student services, recruitment of veterinary students, faculty development related to teaching, and evaluation of teaching. The Associate Dean also works with the Director of Curricular and Student Assessment to evaluate programs and provide data/information upon which curricular improvements are made.

Dr. Monica Howard, Assistant Dean of Veterinary Student Success, is located in 2270E. Dr. Howard is a veterinarian and has a PhD in veterinary pathology. She has diverse roles in the college and serves in a number of capacities. Dr. Howard oversees the Faculty Contact program which matches students with faculty in their shared species interest for the purpose of providing advising/mentorship. In addition to her own advisees, she frequently has appointments with many of the 572 veterinary students enrolled in the professional program. She is an ex-officio member of the college's Admissions, Academic Standards, and Student Faculty Relations Committees. Dr. Howard coordinates the more than 35 student organizations at the college and works closely with students on issues of mental and physical wellbeing. She coordinates the annual White Coat Ceremony and the Freshman Seminar Series for the entering first-year veterinary class, the UNL-PPVM transition orientation, transfer student admissions, the Federal Accreditation Core Orientation for VM3 students and the rabies vaccination clinic and titer clinic for entering students and VM3 students. Dr. Howard is the Administrative Coordinator to the College of Veterinary Medicine Interclass Honor Board and is the co-advisor to the CVM Spectrum and the SAVMA Bookstore. She is the focal point for students who need academic counseling and tutoring and is a liaison and/or contact for central campus services including Student Accessibility Services, Student Counseling Services, and Multicultural Student Affairs. She has responsibilities as the College of Veterinary Medicine's Deputy Title IX Coordinator for the Office of Equal Opportunity and is a member of the University Committee on Disabilities. In addition to the aforementioned responsibilities, she has extensive communication with prospective students providing guidance regarding pursuit of a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree and academic planning for readmission to the college. She is one of several notary publics in the college.

Dr. Jessica Ward is the Assistant Dean for Extramural Student Programs. Her roles include oversight and supervision of career development initiatives, scholarships, and international programs for veterinary students, and support for scheduling of 4th-year clinical rotations. When she is not in her OASA office, Dr. Ward also oversees 4th-year students, interns, and residents in the Cardiology Service in the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center, teaches clinical cardiology to 3rd-year veterinary students, and performs clinical research. Her other leadership roles in the college include serving as Chief Medical Officer of the Hixson-Lied Small Animal Hospital and Chair of the House Officer Committee, which oversees internship and residency programs in the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center. A faculty member at Iowa State University since 2015, Dr. Ward is board certified in cardiology from the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. She is also the holder of the Phyllis M. Clark Professorship in Veterinary Cardiology. Since arriving at Iowa State, Dr. Ward has received numerous teaching awards including the ISU Award for Early Achievement in Teaching, the Zoetis Distinguished Veterinary Teacher Award, the College of Veterinary Medicine Award for Early Achievement in Teaching, and the SAVMA Award for Teaching Excellence in Clinical Sciences. Dr. Ward holds a DVM from North Carolina State University and completed a cardiology residency at the same institution following an internship in small animal medicine at the Ohio State University.
Kathy Kuehl, Coordinator of Admissions, is located in Room 2270C. Kathy coordinates the yearly admissions process working closely with the Admissions Committee and conducts the academic review of applicant files. She was key in the development and implementation of the College's online application process and is responsible for the unsuccessful application workshops and reviews. Kathy consults with prospective students and their advisors concerning admissions policies, procedures and requirements. In addition, she coordinates the annual student scholarship awards working with the College’s ISU Foundation personnel and the Student Awards Committee.
Xiaoshuang Wei, Coordinator of International Programs, is located in Room 2270B. Xiaoshuang develops international programs at CVM. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language from East China Normal University in Shanghai, China, and a Master’s degree in Linguistics from the University of Oregon. She has taught in a variety of contexts. Before working at Iowa State University, she managed study abroad and exchange programs at Texas A&M University.

Mindy Schminke, Record Analyst, Classification and Career Development located in Room 2270A. Ms. Schminke provides academic support maintaining all academic records of veterinary students (both at ISU and University of Nebraska-Lincoln), student registration procedures and processes, scheduling classes including teaching hospital rotations, degree audits, and coordinates graduation. She also administers information about job opportunities for veterinary students through CyHire, as well as, resume writing and job seeking skills, and sets up interviews with veterinarians. She assists students with licensing procedures for both national and state examinations and certifies graduation requirements for both students and alumni. She certifies all credentials for student enrollment status and is a Notary Public. She serves on the University Registration and Classification Committee, Career Services Council and ex officio on the CVM Academic Standards Committee and the Curriculum Committee.

Ginger Miller, Student Services Coordinator, is located in Room 2270. Ginger helps facilitate the DVM Admissions process working with applicants who are currently applying and those who have unsuccessful applications. She also provides support to the Assistant Dean of Veterinary Success and to the Coordinator of International Programs.

DeNae Foster is the full-time Academic and Student Services secretary in Room 2270. She is responsible for various areas including clerical support for the Office of Academics and Student Affairs staff; coordinating the CVM calendar for room reservations, examinations, events, and meetings; veterinary job posting management on CyHire; assisting with admissions and interview scheduling; recruiting and organizing admissions interviewers; assisting student organizations with Treasurer Office contacts; and helps coordinate the scholarship and awards ceremony for veterinary students.

Amber Runkel is a passionate, open-minded, and supportive therapist. She strongly believes in the importance of having balance, embracing change, and being genuine in life. Amber provides therapy services with an emphasis on self-discovery, changing life patterns, and enhancing positive energy and interactions. She strives to help clients let go of fears, gain self-awareness and acceptance, increase mindfulness, and heal wounds that hinder daily functioning, relationships, and life goals. Amber enjoys and appreciates working with diverse clients, and has high standards for equality, ethics, and confidentiality. Amber also identifies as a strong ally to the LGBTQ+ community.