Timothy A Day

University Professor
2036 Patterson Hall
Education & Certifications
- PhD, Pharmacology & Toxicology and Neuroscience, 1993, Michigan State University
- MS, Zoology, 1990, Michigan State University
- BS, Education, 1990, Michigan State University
- BS, Biology, 1988, Kansas State University
2016-Present Neuroscience Journal Club, Course Coordinator NEURO 690 Neuroscience Journal Club, Iowa State University -
2013 Course Coordinator NEURO 556 Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Neuroscience, Iowa State University -
2009-Present Channels, Receptors, Pharmacological Targets BMS 335X Molecular and Cellular Basis of Disease -
2009-Present Molecular Targets of Drug Action, Lecturer BMS 353/553 Topics in Molecular Veterinary Medicine -
2007-2011 Schistosomiasis and Helminthiasis BIOL 353 Introductory Parasitology -
2005 SCAVMA Basic Sciences Teaching Award -
2004-Present General Pharmacology, Course Coordinator BMS 354/554 General Pharmacology, Iowa State University -
2003-2008 Neuroscience Journal Club, Course Coordinator NEURO 690 Neuroscience Journal Club, Iowa State University -
2003-2008 Neuroscience Seminar, Course Coordinator NEURO 696 Neuroscience Seminar, Iowa State University -
2003-2008 Neuroscience Laboratory Rotations, Course Coordinator NEURO 699 Neuroscience Research, Iowa State University -
2003-Present Membrane Potential and Action Potentials, Lecturer NEURO 556 Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Neuroscience, Iowa State University -
2002-Present General Principles of Pharmacology, Lecturer BMS 354/554 General Pharmacology, Iowa State University -
2002-Present Autonomic Pharmacology, Lecturer BMS 354/554 General Pharmacology, Iowa State University -
2001-2003 Circulation of Specialized Regions, Lecturer BMS 552 Physiology, Iowa State University -
1999 Antiparasitic Drugs, Lecturer PHM 819 Principles of Drug Action, Michigan State University -
1996-1999 Passive Properties of Biological Membranes, Lecturer PHM 827 Physiology & Pharmacology of Excitable Cells, MSU -
1998 Veterinary Parasitology, Lecturer PHM 556 Veterinary Pharmacology, Michigan State University -
1991-1998 Renal Toxicology, Lecturer PHM 450 Toxicology, Michigan State University -
1996-1997 Neurobiology, Course Coordinator & Lecturer ZOL/PSL 402 Neurobiology, Michigan State University -
1991-1992 Potassium Channel Structure and Function, Lecturer ZOL/PSL 827 Neurobiology, Michigan State University -
1989 Comparative Neurobiology, Teaching Assistant ZOL/PSL 402 Comparative Neurobiology, Michigan State University -
1990 General Biology, Student Teacher Portland High School, Portland, MI -
1990 Earth Science, Student Teacher Portland High School, Portland, MI -
1986-1987 Pre‑College Algebra, Course Instructor Kansas State University
Research Focus & Interests
Neuromuscular systems of parasitic worms and the identification of molecular targets for new drugs. In particular, research focuses on the structure and function of receptors and ion channels.
- Faculty Senate President, Iowa State University Faculty Senate
- Chair, Student Evaluation of Teaching Task Force, Iowa State University
- Resource Planning and Allocation Council, Iowa State University
- Governance Council, Iowa State University
- Search Committee, Vice President for Human Resources, Iowa State University
- Faculty Senate President-Elect, Iowa State University
- Search Committee, Director of Athletic Compliance, Iowa State University
- Search Committee, Head Women’s Softball Coach, Iowa State University
- Pew Scholars Review Committee
- Chair, Post-Tenure Review Committee, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Iowa State University
- CVM Caucus Chair, ISU Faculty Senate
- Search Committee Chair, Certifying Officer, Iowa State University, Registrar’s Office
- Search Committee, Pharmacology Faculty, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Iowa State University
- Big 12 Representative to the NCAA Division 1 Council
- Chair, Post-Tenure Review Committee, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Iowa State University
- ISU Faculty Senator, Biomedical Sciences
- ISU Academic Affairs Committee
- Search Committee, Track & Field / Golf Academic Coordinator, Iowa State University
- ISU Student Athlete Discipline Committee
- Search Committee, Head Women’s Soccer Coach, Iowa State University
- Search Committee, Associate Athletics Director for Academic Services, Iowa State University
- Search Committee, Men’s Basketball Academic Coordinator, Iowa State University
- Chair, Post-Tenure Review Committee, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Iowa State University
- Faculty Athletics Representative
- Big 12 Commissioner Search Committee
- Big 12 Public Relations Firm Search Committee
- NCAA Certification Subcommittee, Governance & Rules Compliance Chair
- Review Panel for Keck Foundation Grants, Iowa State University
- Athletics Compliance Committee Chair, Iowa State University
- NCAA Legislative Committee Chair, Iowa State University
- Search Committee, Head Men’s Golf Coach, Iowa State University
- Search Committee, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Planning and Performance Committee, College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University
- Faculty Advisor, Hill’s Committee
- Faculty Advisor, Christian Veterinary Fellowship
- Faculty Advisor, College of Veterinary Medicine Class of 2008
- Student Awards Committee
- Faculty Senator, Iowa State University
- University Athletics Council, Iowa State University
- Pharmacology Search Committee, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Iowa State University
- Anesthesiology Search Committee, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Iowa State University
- Student Awards Committee, College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University
- Physiology Search Committee (3 positions), Department of Biomedical Sciences, Iowa State University
- Faculty Governance Committee, College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University
- Supervisory Committee, Neuroscience Program, Iowa State University
- Graduate Admissions Committee, Chair, Neuroscience Program, Iowa State University
- Pharmacology/Physiology Search Committee (3 positions), Department of Biomedical Sciences, Iowa State University
- Research Advisory Council, College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University
- Committee Serving Under-Represented Minorities, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Michigan State University
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewd: 20 selected publications out of over 100.
- A Miniaturized Screen of a Schistosoma mansoni Serotonergic G Protein-Coupled Receptor Identifies Novel Classes of Parasite-Selective Inhibitors. JD Chan, JD McCorvey, S Acharya, ME Johns, TA Day, JS Marchant. PLoS Pathogens 12(5): e1005651. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1005651.
- Pharmacological profiling an abundantly expressed schistosome serotonergic GPCR identifies nuciferine as a potent antagonist. JD Chan, S Acharya, TA Day, JS Marchant. International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance 6:364-370, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpddr.2016.06.001.
- Interaction of plant essential oil terpenoids with the southern cattle tick tyramine receptor: A potential biopesticide target. AD Gross, KB Teymeyer, TA Day, AA Prez de Leon, MJ Kimber, JR Coats. Chemico-Biological Interactions, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cbi.2016.12.009.
- Intestinal Enterobacteriaceae that Protect Nematodes from the Effects of Benzimidazoles. JH Whittaker, AP Robertson, MJ Kimber, TA Day, SA Carlson. Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology 7:5. DOI: 10.4172/2155-9597.1000294
- Release of small RNA-containing exosome-like vesicles from the human filarial parasite Brugia malayi. M Zamanian, LM Fraser, PN Agbedanu, H Harischandra, AR Moorhead, TA Day, L Bartholomay, MJ Kimber. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9(9), e0004069.
- Ergot Alkaloids (Re) generate New Leads as Antiparasitics. JD Chan, PN Agbedanu, T Grab, M Zamanian, PI Dosa, TA Day, JS Marchant. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9 (9), e0004063.
- A constitutively active G protein-coupled acetylcholine receptor regulates motility of larval Schistosoma mansoni. K MacDonald, MJ Kimber, TA Day, P Ribeiro. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 202: 29-37.
- Pharmacological characterization of a tyramine receptor from the southern cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Gross AD, Temeyer KB, Day TA, Pérez de León AA, Kimber MJ, Coats JR. Insect Biochemical Molecular Biology 63:47-53. doi: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2015.04.008. PubMed PMID: 25958152.
- Functional analysis of Girardia tigrina transcriptome seeds pipeline for anthelmintic target discovery. N.J. Wheeler, P.N. Agbedanu, M. J. Kimber, P. Ribeiro, T.A. Day, M. Zamanian. Parasites & Vectors 8:1-12.
- New insights into the FLPergic complements of parasitic nematodes: Informing deorphanisation approaches. C.J. McCoy, L.E. Atkinson, M. Zamanian, P. McVeigh, T.A. Day, Michael J. Kimber, N.J. Marks, A.G. Maule, A. Mousley. EuPA Open Proteomics 3:262–272. DOI:10.1016/j.euprot.2014.04.002.
- Functional Characterization of a Novel Family of Acetylcholine-Gated Chloride Channels in Schistosoma mansoni. K. MacDonald, S. Buxton, M.J. Kimber, T.A. Day, A.P. Robertson, P. Ribeiro. PLoS Pathogens, DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004181.
- Death and axes: unexpected Ca2+ entry phenologs predict new antischistosomal agents. J.D. Chan, P.N. Agbedanu, M. Zamanian, S.M Gruba, C.L Haynes, T.A. Day, J.S. Marchant. PLoS Pathogens, DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003942.
- Evidence for a Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide-Recognizing G-Protein-Coupled Receptor in the Bacterial Engulfment by Entamoeba histolytica. MT Brewer, PN Agbedanu, M Zamanian, T.A. Day, SA Carlson. Eukaryotic Cell 12, 1433-1438.
- Involvement of a putative intercellular signal-recognizing G protein-coupled receptor in the engulfment of Salmonella by the protozoan Tetrahymena. P.N. Agbedanu, M.T. Brewer, T.A. Day, M.J. Kimber, K.L. Anderson, S.K. Rasmussen, M.A. Rasmussen and S.A. Carlson. Open Veterinary Journal 3(2): 69-74.
- flp-32 ligand/receptor silencing phenocopy faster plant pathogenic nematodes. L. Atkinson, M. Stevenson, N.J. Marks, C.C. Fleming, M. Zamanian, T.A. Day, M.J. Kimber, A.G. Maule and A. Mousley. PLoS Pathogens 9 (2), e1003169.
- The genomes of four tapeworm species reveal adaptations to parasitism. I.J. Tsai, M. Zarowiecki, N. Holroyd, A. Garciarrubio, A. Sanchez-Flores, K.L. Brooks, A. Tracey, R.J. Bobes, G. Fragoso, E. Sciutto, M. Aslett, H. Beasley, X. Cai, F. Camicia, R. Clark, M. Cucher, N. De Silva, T.A. Day, P. Deplazes, K. Estrada, C. Fernández, P.W.H. Holland, J. Hou, S. Hu, T. Huckvale, S.S. Hung, L. Kamenetzky, J.A. Keane, F. Kiss, U. Koziol, O. Lambert, K. Liu, X. Luo, Y. Luo, N. Macchiaroli, S. Nichol, J. Paps, J. Parkinson, N. Pouchkina-Stantcheva, N. Riddiford, M. Rosenzvit, G. Salinas, J.D. Wasmuth, M. Zamanian, Y. Zheng, The Taenia solium Genome Consortium, J. Cai, X. Soberón, P.D. Olson, J.P. Laclette, K. Brehm, M. Berriman. Nature 496 (7443), 57-63.
- Novel RNAi-mediated approach to G protein-coupled receptor deorphanization: proof of principle and characterization of a planarian 5-HT receptor. M. Zamanian, P.N. Agbedanu, N.J. Wheeler, P. McVeigh, M.J. Kimber and T.A. Day. PLoS One 7(7): e40787. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0040787.
- Beta-lactam antibiotics prevent Salmonella-mediated bovine encephalopathy regardless of the β-lactam resistance status of the bacteria. N. Xiong, M.T. Brewer, K.L. Anderson, G.K. Watrous, K.E. Weeks, A.E. Barnhill, T.A. Day, M.J. Kimber and S.A. Carlson. The Veterinary Journal 192:535-537.
- Schistosoma-associated Salmonella resist antibiotics via specific fimbrial attachments to the flatworm. A.E. Barnhill, E. Novozhilova, T.A. Day and S.A. Carlson. Parasites & Vectors 4:123. doi: 10.1186/1756-3305-4-123.
- The repertoire of G protein-coupled receptors in the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni and the model organism Schmidtea mediterranea. M. Zamanian, M.J. Kimber, P. McVeigh, S.A. Carlson, A.G. Maule and T.A. Day. BMC Genomics 12:596. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-596.