Heather Greenlee

Associate Dean, Graduate College
Lora and Russ Talbot Endowed Professor in Veterinary Medicine
2070 Vet Med
Education & Certifications
- BS, 1994, Iowa State University
- PhD, 1999, Iowa State University
- 1998-2002 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Iowa State University
2002-Present Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Iowa State University
2009-Present Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Iowa State University
Research Focus & Interests
Systems biology: Combining computational and traditional experimental approaches to understand cell fate determination in the developing retina. Neurodegeneration: Using retinal morphology and function to understand the pathogenesis of prion diseases.
Honors & Awards
- 2006 SCAVMA (Iowa State University Student Chapter American Veterinary Medical Association) Basic Science Teaching Award
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewd: 20 selected publications out of over 100.
- Temporal Resolution of Misfolded Prion Protein Transport, Accumulation, Glial Activation, and Neuronal Death in the Retinas of Mice Inoculated with Scrapie. West Greenlee MH, Lind M, Kokemuller R, Mammadova N, Kondru N, Manne S, Smith J, Kanthasamy A, Greenlee J. Am J Pathol. 2016 Sep;186(9):2302-9.
- A Comparison of Classical and H-Type Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Associated with E211K Prion Protein Polymorphism in Wild-Type and EK211 Cattle Following Intracranial Inoculation. Moore SJ, West Greenlee MH, Smith JD, Vrentas CE, Nicholson EM, Greenlee JJ. Front Vet Sci. 2016 Sep 15;3:78.
- Scrapie in Swine: a Diagnostic Challenge. Greenlee JJ, Kunkle RA, Smith JD, West Greenlee MH. Food Safety 2016; Vol. 4, No. 4, 110–114.
- Horizontal Transmission of Chronic Wasting Disease in Reindeer. Moore SJ, Kunkle R, West Greenlee MH, Nicholson E, Richt J, Hamir A, Waters WR, Greenlee J. Emerg Infect Dis. 2016 Dec;22(12):2142-2145.
- Moore, SJ, Smith JD, West Greenlee MH, Greenlee JJ (2016). Comparison of two US sheep scrapie isolates supports identification as separate strains. Vet Pathol, 2016 March 53: 1187-96
- Justin J Greenlee and MH West Greenlee (2015). Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies of Livestock. (invited review) ILAR J. 2015;56(1):7-25.
- West Greenlee MH, Smith JD, Platt EM, Juarez JR, Timms LL, Greenlee, JJ (2015). Changes in retinal function and morphology are early clinical signs of disease in cattle with bovine spongiform encephalopathy. PLoS ONE Mar 10;10(3):e0119431.
- Zhang X, Serb JM, Greenlee MH (2013). EnRICH: Extraction and Ranking using Integration and Criteria Heuristics. BMC Systems Biology, 7:4.
- Kohutyuk, O, Towfic, FG, West Greenlee, MH, Honavar, VG (2012) BioNetwork Bench: Database and Software for Storage, Query, and Analysis of Gene and Protein Networks Bioinformatics and Biology Insights, 2012:6 235-246.
- Greenlee, JJ, Smith, JD, West Greenlee, MH, Nicholson, EM (2012). Clinical and Pathologic Features of H-Type Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Associated with E211K Prion Protein Polymorphism. PLoS ONE 7(6): e38678. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038678.
- Zhang, X, Serb, JM, West Greenlee, MH (2011). Mouse retinal development: A dark horse model for systems biology research. Bioinformatics and Biology Insights, 2011:5 99-113
- Petersen CA, West Greenlee MH (2011). Neurologic Manifestations of Leishmania spp. Infection. J Neuroparasitology. 2011;2. pii: N110401.
- J.M. Serb, M.C. Orr, M.H. West Greenlee (2010). Using evolutionary conserved modules in gene networks as a strategy to leverage high throughput gene expression queries. PLoS ONE 5(9): e12525. doi:10.1371. O
- A.E. Barnhill, L.A. Hecker, O. Kohutyuk, J.E. Buss, V.G. Honavar, M.H. West Greenlee (2010). Characterization of the retinal proteome during rod photoreceptor genesis. BMC Research Notes, Jan 27;3:25.
- F. Towfic, S. VanderPIas, C.A. OIiver, O.I. Couture, C.K. TuggIe, M.H. West GreenIee, V.G. Honavar (2010). Detection of gene orthology from gene co-expression and protein interaction networks BMC Bioinformatics 2010 Apr 29;11 Suppl 3:S7.
- J.D. Smith, J.J. Greenlee, A.N. Hamir, J.A. Richt, M.H. West Greenlee (2009). Retinal function and morphology are altered in cattle experimentally infected with transmissible mink encephalopathy. Veterinary Pathology, 46:810-8
- J. D. Smith, J. J. Greenlee, A. N. Hamir, M. H. West Greenlee (2009). Altered electroretinogram b-wave in a scrapie-affected Suffolk sheep. Veterinary Record 165:179-81.
- F. Towfic, M.H. West Greenlee, V.G. Honavar, Detection of orthology based on protein-protein interaction networks (2009). BIBM 2009, Proceedings IEEE Computer Society: 48-53.
- F. Towfic, M.H. West Greenlee, V.G. Honavar, Aligning Biomolecular Networks Using Modular Graph Kernels (2009). WABI 2009, LNBI 5724, pp. 345–361**.
- J. Smith, J. Greenlee, A. Hamir, and M. H. West Greenlee (2008) Retinal cell types are differentially affected in sheep with scrapie. Comparative Pathology: 138:12-22.