Theresa Beachler
DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACT

Assistant Professor
2418 Lloyd
Education & Certifications
DACT- Diplomate of the American College of Theriogenologists, 2015
PhD, Comparative Biomedical Sciences, North Carolina State University, 2019
DVM, North Carolina State University, 2012
BS, Animal Science- North Carolina State University: Animal Science, 2007
VDPAM 471E – Equine Reproduction
VDPAM 450 – Disturbances in Reproduction
VDPAM 471C-Comparative Reproduction
VDPAM 471S – Small Animal Reproduction
Research Focus & Interests
Dr. Beachler is a Theriogenologist at the College of Veterinary Medicine focusing on equine and small animals. Dr. Beachler’s research interests include comparative reproduction, assisted reproductive techniques, and gestational pathology.
ACT – American College of Theriogenologists
SFT – Society for Theriogenology
AAEP – American Association of Equine Practitioners
IVMA – Iowa Veterinary Medical Association
Phi Zeta Veterinary Honor Society
Selected Publications
- Gianino, G., Kopper, J., Troy, J., Kersh, K., Farrell, A., Wu, E., Yaeger, M., Merkatoris, P., Johnson, K, Beachler, TM. Uroperitoneum in a preparturient mare. Clinical Theriogenology. 2022. 14(2):102-105.
- Beachler, TM. Ancillary treatment to support pregnancy in cases of medical disease. Equine Veterinary Education. Accepted January 29, 2022: DOI: 10.1111/eve.13629.
- Coombs, E., Beachler, TM., Troy, JR., Howard, JM., Fales-Williams, A., Tatarniuk, DM. Luteoma as an etiology for ovarian neoplasm treated with subsequent ovariectomy in two mares. Equine Veterinary Education. 2022. 34(8):318-322. DOI: 10.1111/eve.13582.
- Beachler, TM., Papich, MG., Andrews, NC, Von Dollen, KA, Ellis, KE, Withowski, K., Bailey, CS. Clinical outcome of intracervical procaine penicillin and gentamicin infusion in the pregnant mare. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. In Press.
- Beachler, TM., Gracz, HS., Morgan, DR., Bembenek Bailey, SA., Borst, L., Ellis, KE., Von Dollen, KA., Lyle, SK., Nebel, A., Andrews, NC., Koipailli, J., Gadsby, JE., Bailey, CS. Plasma metabolomic profiling of healthy pregnant mares and mares with experimentally induced placentitis. Equine Veterinary Journal. 2021. 53(1):85-93.
- Baltutis, K., Settle, K., Beachler, T., Lyle, S., and Bailey, C.S. Duration of pregnancy is shorter in Cavalier King Charles spaniels. Clinical Theriogenology. 2020. 12(4):475-480.
- Beachler, TM., Bailey, CS., Gracz, HS., Morgan, DR., Von Dollen, KA., Ellis, KE., Gadsby, JE., and Lyle, SK. Metabolomic profile of allantoic and amniotic fluid in late-term gestational mares characterized by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 2020. 94:Article103235.
- Von Dollen, KA., Jones, M., Beachler, TM., Harris, TL., Papich, MG., Lyle, SK., and Bailey, CS. Antimicrobial activity of ceftiofur and penicillin with gentamicin against Escherichia coli and Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus in an ex vivo model of equine postpartum uterine disease. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 2019. 79:121-126.
- Beachler, TM., Gracz, H., Long, NM., Borst, L., Morgan, D., Nebel, A., Andrews, N., Koipillai, J., Frable, S., Bembenek Bailey, S., Ellis, K., Von Dollen, K., Lyle, S., Gadsby, J., and Bailey, CS. Allantoic metabolites, progesterone, and estradiol-17β remain unchanged after infection in an experimental model of equine placentitis. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 2019. 73:209-215.
- Ellis, KE., McAlister Council-Troche, R., Von Dollen, KA., Beachler, TM., Bailey, CS., Davis, JL., and Lyle, SK. Pharmacokinetics of intrarectal altrenogest in horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 2019. 72:41-46.