Bonnie L. Hay Kraus

Bachelor of Science: Cook College – Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 1985
DVM: University of Missouri – Columbia, Columbia, MO, 1989
Residency, Equine Surgery, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, 1990-1993
Residency, Anesthesia, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, 1994 - 1998
Diplomate American College of Veterinary Surgeons, 1998
Diplomate American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2008
VCS 466 Anesthesia Core - VM4 - Instructor-in-Charge
VCS 476 Anesthesia Elective - VM4 - Instructor-in-Charge
VCS 467 Pain Management Elective - VM4 - Instructor-in-Charge
VCS 476E Equine Anesthesia Elective - VM4 - Instructor-in-Charge
VCS 398 Anesthesia Lecture Course - VM2 - Instructor-in-Charge
VCS 393 Principles of Surgery - VM2 - Contributing Instructor
VCS 407 Feline Medicine Elective - VM3 - Contributing Instructor
Hepworth-Warren KL, Hay Kraus BL, Wong DM and Metcalf GL. Clinical use of a low molecular weight/ low molar substitution hydroxyethyl starch solution (130/0.4) in a Percheron mare with septic peritonitis caused by Clostridium haemolyticum. Submitted to Equine Veterinary Education, April 2015.
Hepworth-Warren KL, Wong DM, Hay Kraus BL, Wang C and Sun Y. Effects of Administration of a Synthetic Low Molecular Weight/Low Molar Substitution Hydroxyethyl Starch Solution on Physical Examination and Clinicopathologic Parameters in Healthy Neonatal Foals. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, Accepted for Publication, January 2015.
Hay Kraus BL. Effect of dosing interval on efficacy of maropitant for prevention of hydromorphone-induced vomiting and signs of nausea in dogs. The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 245(9):1015-20, Nov 1, 2014.
Hay Kraus BL. Anti-cholinergic Drugs in Dogs. Vet Pulse, Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Vol. 1, Number 3. September 2014. Peer reviewed web-based article.
Hay Kraus BL. Guest Editor. Year in Review: Pain Management. Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery. Volume 27, Issue 7, July 2014.
Hay Kraus BL. Efficacy of orally administered maropitant citrate in preventing vomiting associated with hydromorphone administration in dogs. The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 244(10):1164-9, May 15, 2014.
Hay Kraus BL. The Efficacy of Maropitant in Preventing Vomiting in Dogs Premedicated with Hydromorphone. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia . 40(1):28-34, 2013, Epub Oct 2012.
Wong DM, Buchanan B, Alcott C, Hay-Kraus BL, Brockus C. Physiologic effects of nasopharyngeal administration of supplemental oxygen at various flow rates in healthy neonatal foals. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 71(9):1081-1088. 2010.
Landis, WJ, Kraus BLH, Kirker-Head CA. Vascular-mineral spatial correlation in the normally calcifying turkey leg tendon: A study by two- and three-dimensional imaging methods. Connective Tissue Research. 43(4):595-605, 2002.
Hennig G, Kraus BLH, Fister R, King V, Steckel R, Kirker-Head CA. Comparison of two methods for presurgical disinfection of the equine hoof. Veterinary Surgery. 30(4):366-73, 2001.
Hay Kraus BL, Greenblatt DJ, Venkatakrishnan K, Court MH. Evidence for propofol hydroxylation by cytochrome P4502B11 in canine liver microsomes: breed and gender differences. Xenobiotica. 30(6):575-588, 2000.
Court MH, Hay-Kraus BL, Hill DW, Kind AJ, Greenblatt DJ. Propofol Hydroxylation by dog liver microsomes: Assay development and dog breed differences. Drug Metabolism and Disposition. 27(11):1293-9, 1999.
Kraus BLH, Kirker-Head CA, Kraus KH, Jakowski RM, Steckel RR. The vascular supply of the tendon of the tendon of the equine deep digital flexor muscle within the digital sheath. Veterinary Surgery. 24:102-111, 1995.
Kraus KH, Pope ER, O'Brien D, Hay BL. The effects of aortic occlusion on transcranial induced evoked potentials in the dog. Veterinary Surgery. 19:341-347, 1990.
Kraus KH, O’Brien D, Pope ER, Hay BL. Evoked Potentials induced by transcranial stimulation in dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 51(11):1732-1735, Nov 1990.