Dr. Alyse Aerts has found veterinary medicine to be an extremely rewarding career.
Yet one thing stands out and it is the basis of what she enjoys about her profession.
“I love to establish a relationship with a client and their pet and determine what is best for that person and that animal,” she said. “Each case is unique and demands individual attention and a treatment plan.”
Some cases do stand out though. These can include a difficult behavioral case or an animal that doesn’t have a good prognosis.
“I want to fight for animals that might not otherwise have a chance,” she said. “While this is taxing at times, I have found these are where my deepest relationships have developed and where I have truly discovered that animals are a lot tougher than we think.”
After graduation, Aerts took an associate veterinarian position in Wisconsin but three years later, she moved back to Nebraska to be closer to family. Today, she is firmly entrenched at Ehlers Animal Care, a small animal practice in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Even that has come with some adjustments. When she first joined the practice, Aerts was one of two veterinarians. Ehlers Animal Care is now a four doctor practice with plans to add another veterinarian soon.
The clinic outgrew its space and has recently opened a new, larger facility. And bigger means changes.
“”There have been times when maintaining a small and intimate feeling in a large practice with lots of moving parts has become quite challenging,” Aerts said. “While I enjoy the growth for many reasons, I deeply miss the small feeling.
“Previously anytime a client walked in, I knew exactly who they were.”
There are good things about growth however.
“The new building has allowed us to expand the number of animals and people that we serve,” Aerts said. “I hope with time, we will be able to find a balance on how to help more clients and patients and restore the original feel of our practice.”
In the meantime, Aerts will continue to work hard on establishing relationships while helping grow a thriving practice. Her duties at the small animal clinic include wellness checks, sick patients and soft tissue surgeries.
“I know this sounds goofy, but every day is seriously a good day,” Aerts said. “The work is rewarding.”