Dean H Riedesel

Professor Emeritus
2265 Lloyd
Education & Certifications  

B.S.-Iowa State University

D.V.M.-Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine

Ph. D.-Veterinary Physiology, Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine


VCS 398-Anesthesiology Co-Lecturer

BMS 333-Lectures on respiratory physiology

Anesthesia Clinic Rotation (repeating three-week rotation)



Research Focus & Interests  


Honors & Awards  

Alpha Zeta

Phi Zeta

1984 AMACO Outstanding Teaching Award

1989 University Teaching Award

2004 SCAVMA Clinical Teaching Award

Selected Publications  
  1. Riedesel, D.H. and Hildebrand, S.V.: Unusual response following use of succinylcholine in a horse anesthetized with halothane. JAVMA 187:507-8, 1985.
  2. Willer, R. and Riedesel, D.H.: Transfusion therapy and blood banking in the dog and cat. I.S.U. Veterinarian 47:102-110, 1985.
  3. Fucci, V., Monroe, W.E., Riedesel, D.H., and Jackson, L.L.: Oral pentobarbital intoxication in a bitch. JAVMA 188:191-192, 1986.
  4. Selcer, B.A., Buttrick, M., Barstad, R., and Riedesel, D.H.: The incidence of thoracic trauma in dogs with skeletal injury. J. Small Anim. Pract. 28:21-27, 1987.
  5. Riedesel, D.H.: Analgesic and anesthetic applications of butorphanol in veterinary practice - Proceedings of a roundtable discussion. Other participants: Benson, G.J., Hartsfield, S.M., Dodman, N.H., Haskens, S.C., and Sawyer D.C. Veterinary Learning Systems Co., Inc. 1988.
  6. O'Brien, S.E., Riedesel, E.A., Myers, R.K., and Riedesel, D.H. Right-to-left patent ductus arteriosus with dysplastic left ventricle in a dog. JAVMA 192:1435-1438, 1988.
  7. Zoran, D.L., Jergens, A.E., Riedesel, D.H., Johnson, G.S., Bailey, T.V., and Martin, S.D.: Evaluation of hemostatic analytes after use of hypertonic saline solution combined with colloids for resuscitation of dogs with hypovelemia. AJVR 53:1791-1796, 1992.
  8. Buttrick, M.L., Riedesel, D.H., Selcer, B.A., and Barstad, R.D.: Hypoxemia in the Acutely Traumatized Canine Patient. J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2:73-79, 1993.
  9. Zoran, D.L., Riedesel, D.H., and Dyer, D.C.: Pharmacokinetics of propofol in mixed-breed and Greyhound dogs. AJVR 54:55-60, 1993.
  10. Jergens, A.E., Riedesel, D.H., Ries, P.A., Miles, K.G., and Bailey, T.B.: Cardiopulmonary responses in healthy dogs during endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract. Am J Vet Res 56:215-220, 1995.
  11. Nieves, M.A., Hartwig, P., Kinjon, J.M., and Riedesel, D.H.: Bacterial isolates from plaque and from blood during and after routine dental procedures in dogs. Vet Surg 26:26-32, 1997.
  12. Miles, K.G., Sonea, I.M., Jackson, L.L., Riedesel, E.A., Riedesel, D.H., Jacobson, C.D.: Utrasonographic pregnancy detection and inhalation anesthesia in the gray short-tailed opossum (Monodeophis domestica). Lab Anim Sci 47:280-2, 1997.
  13. Wall, P.L., Rudison, M.M., Lazic, T., and Riedesel, D.H.: Transesophageal monitoring or aortic blood flow during nonemergent canine surgeries. J Vet Emerg Crit Care 12:1-8, 2002.