ISU Professor Emeritus Receives National Award for Excellence in Veterinary Microbiology

Dr. Lorraine J. Hoffman, professor emeritus at Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, was selected as the 2010 recipient of the TREK Award for Excellence in Diagnostic Veterinary Microbiology. The award is jointly sponsored by the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians and TREK Diagnostic Systems, a world leader in microbiology diagnostics. Established four years ago, the award recognizes distinguished scientists who have contributed to new scientific findings that have improved and enhanced veterinary medicine. The award was presented at the annual meeting of the AAVLD in Minneapolis, Minn.

Dr. Hoffman is internationally known for her research and contributions in the field of veterinary microbiology. Throughout her 40-year career, she has tirelessly promoted diagnostic services that have served the Iowa livestock producers and pet owners.

“When you mention Dr. Lorraine Hoffman’s name, people immediately think diagnostic microbiology,” said Dr. Pat Halbur, professor and chair of the Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine Department at ISU. “Dr. Hoffman has been instrumental in advancing the profession of diagnostic microbiology both nationally in public and private veterinary diagnostic laboratories and locally by enhancing the bacteriology services veterinary practitioners provide to their clients on a daily basis. She has truly had a remarkable career and is highly deserving of this distinguished award.”

Dr. Hoffman is a member of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians where she has served in leadership positions on several committees. She helped establish and served many years on the National Committee of Clinical Laboratory Standards subcommittee that provides procedures and standards for antimicrobial testing of veterinary pathogens.

An important legacy of Dr. Hoffman’s has been her passion for mentoring young microbiologists and veterinary students. At the college, she served as a role model for students. Dr. Hoffman continues that legacy today, advising students and recent graduates.

“I am humbled, grateful and surprised by this prestigious recognition in veterinary microbiology,” Dr. Hoffman said. “It was a thrill to be honored by my colleagues and friends.”

Dr. Hoffman received her bachelor’s degree from Wartburg College (Waverly, Iowa) and her master’s and doctoral degrees from Iowa State. She came to the college as a research associate
and bacteriologist in the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory in 1968, and joined the faculty in 1975. During her tenure at the college, Dr. Hoffman spent three years as director of operations (2006-2009) and 31 years as section leader of bacteriology (1975-2006). She retired from the college in 2009 with the rank of professor. She is an honorary diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Microbiologists. She has received numerous awards for her contributions in the field of veterinary microbiology and research, including the William P. Switzer Award in Veterinary Medicine.