Cheryl Allen/THE NEWS

Retiring After 46 Years

Dr. Sheldon Yoder ('77)
Back in 1978, when Sheldon Yoder first began practicing veterinary medicine, he spent his days checking swine for crooked snouts and reaching his arm into cows to relocate their displaced stomachs. "It was hard work," he acknowledged. "All of us large animal vets did it. That's what we were trained to do." Now, after 46 years, that work has come to an end at the Kalona (Iowa) Veterinary Clinic, a practice Yoder built. "When we went to school, they said, 'This business is probably going to change pretty dramatically every 15-20 years.' I'd say it's true," Yoder said. ""You're just fortunate enough to be able to adapt and you've got a community of people that support you and work with you. That's been great."